Sunday, December 4, 2011

In My Mailbox (29)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.

This mailbox is for the past MONTH. 
Why? Because I was too busy with the Historical Fantasy Jubilee to share what I was getting in the mail.
Tons of author guest posts, interviews, giveaways and more!

For Review

Whenever I see people's mailboxes and I look at what they got for review, I'm always curious HOW they got them, especially since I feel sorta like I'm stumbling around in the dark without a map when it comes to acquiring review books. Did they ask for them? Did the books magically appear on their doorstep? Are they e-books? HOW DO I GET THEM???

Ahem, so in case anyone else is wondering the same things, I am going to write how I received each review book. Hopefully this will help clear up some of the mystery surrounding the sometimes seemingly mystical appearance of review books. I hope I'm not breaking some taboo rule (is it like Fight Club? The first rule of acquiring review books is we do not talk about acquiring review books)??

Please note: I am NOT offering advice on how you should go about getting review books. I'm only sharing what I did. Really, I'm so far from knowing what I'm doing that I can't give advice.

Click to make larger. Sorry about the bad lighting with Slayers! It's all shiny an holographic in person.

This is about modern kids who are born to be dragon slayers (because dragons are coming back to kill us all!). 

I had originally requested and received this book through NetGalley, but I'm really slow at reading e-books (don't have an e-reader!) I didn't get to this one before it was "archived." Archived? Yes, apparently NetGalley titles CAN disappear. 

I was SO looking forward to reading this book so I emailed the publisher and asked what "archived" meant and if the title was no longer available. It means what it sounds like it means: the title is no longer available. BUT the person I emailed was super nice and offered to send me a finished copy for review and I, of course, jumped at the chance.

This is kind of a weird story. I first requested this through NetGalley (look for it under the publisher HarperCollins--NOT HarperTeen), but I was denied. Then I saw an ad through Shelf Awareness where you could send a request to the publisher for a physical ARC. I sent the request, but figured I wouldn't get it because I didn't even get the e-galley. Then a few weeks later this showed up on my doorstep. So, I am confused, but happy.

The sequel to the beyond adorable Kat, Incorrigible about a girl, her sisters, magic, and secret societies all set in Regency England. Haven't read Kat, Incorrigible? Don't worry, I've got you covered with this giveaway! (Ends December 7th, US only)

I fell in love with Kat in the first book--so much so that I screwed up my courage and sent a request to Simon and Schuster to see if I could get a review copy of the sequel. I was sent a link to download an e-galley! It was a Galley Grab link, so I'm thinking this title might appear in the newsletter as well.

This is a NetGalley book. You can find it under the HarlequinTeen imprint. Even though I complained, a lot, about the first book, I've actually been eagerly awaiting the release of the sequel. Weird, I know. All I can say is this series is a total guilty pleasure for me. Maybe it's the harem of hot body guards? I'll go with that. 

Allegiance comes out in February, but I couldn't wait and I've already devoured it. If you liked Legacy, then you should be happy with Allegiance. (Although if you're a Narin fan, don't expect to see much of him. He gets very little page time).

I got this through NetGalley, but I don't think it's available anymore. It was under Bloomsbury Children's Books and it will be released on January 31st, 2012 (I'm pretty sure it's already out in the UK). This is a Gothic horror--complete with secrets, hauntings, an a creepy house!

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I got both of these books for the Historical Fantasy Jubilee, but we got them a little too late in the game to properly include them in the event. SO, Ruby and I are sharing them and will review them closer to their publication dates (and you may see at least one of these authors on Small Review again. Just saying...)

I peeked at Shadow and Bone and it looks beyond fantastic. Like, this might even have the potential to be a Special Shelf book. Yeah, that good. I can't wait to find out! Oh, and if my peek didn't already tempt me, Leigh's awesome interview from our Historical Fantasy Jubilee is really making me want to read her book NOW.

I also peeked at Born Wicked, and oh swoon! But don't worry, you can peek at that one too! Have you read Jessica Spotswood's Historical Fantasy Jubilee guest post? Not only does she share some of her favorite book boyfriends, but she also gave us an excerpt of Born Wicked to post! I'll give you three reasons to check it out: 
  1. The guy's name is Finn. Points for having a hot guy name. 
  2. Finn leans. Points for Hot Guy Action #2 (quirking one eyebrow is Hot Guy Action #1 and giving a lopsided smile is #3).
  3. Finn is sweetly sarcastic. Points for hot guy personality trait!

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The first three all came from Heather at Buried in Books. Thank you so much, Heather!!! I started reading Once a Witch about a year ago and I DNF-ed because I wasn't feeling it at the time. Then I read Heather's review and saw that, while she had very similar issues with Once a Witch, she absolutely loved the sequel. That's enough for me! 

Going Too Far is one of the few contemporaries that I rave about as much as I rave about fantasies. I just, oh my, Officer John After! The swoon is so strong that I really can't speak anymore.

I swapped my copy of Between the Sea and Sky with Tayte from Reading in Paradise for her copy of Deadly Cool. Thank you Tayte!

I won The Trust from Bewitched Bookworms during their Enter the Fall Clearing giveaway. I love secret societies, but it was Pushy's awesome review of the first book that prompted me to enter. Thank you ladies!


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Theodosia and the Staff of Osiris (Theodosia Throckmorton #2) by R. L. LaFevers 

I loved the first book and after reading Robin's guest post (+ currently running giveaway!), I really couldn't stop myself from diving back into Theodosia's world. I think I may have enjoyed the second book even more than the first!

The Sherwood Ring by Elizabeth Marie Pope (not pictured)

I ordered these four after writing this post. I've since read two and I'm currently reading a third. So far so good! Reviews will come.
Click to make larger
 Summers at Castle Auburn by Sharon Shinn

You may have noticed during the Historical Fantasy Jubilee that there was a day when Ruby deviated from our schedule. She was originally going to write a post on why she loves Juliet Marillier so much (to go along with our Juliet Marillier guest post), but instead she wrote a call out post to me challenging me to read one of Juliet Marillier's books. She event sent me Wildwood Dancing in the mail. 

So I read it. And I LOVED it. Ruby is equally emphatic over the awesomeness that is Summers at Castle Auburn, and between the fact that I will now blindly follow Ruby anywhere based on her Juliet Marillier endorsement and the fact that I am pretty much in love with Sharon Shinn's book The Truth-teller's Tale, I decided to order this one. Will I have time to read it? Hopefully!

Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby

 I was browsing my TBR (I think I was putting together a Spotlight List) when I came across Icefall again. The blurb grabbed me and I couldn't stop myself from placing a hold on it through the library. A few days later I read Pica's review and knew I had made the right call. Self-control is for suckas.

The Legend of Holly Clause by Brittney Ryan

I originally put this book on my TBR after reading Sierra from Yearning to Read's review. Well, 'tis the season, and Sierra prompted me to get my hands on a copy now. It came through the library and I'm hoping I can schedule in some time to read it around Christmas. It's gigantic (over 500 pages!) but the font is pretty big and there are (beautiful) illustrations (Pica also says it goes by fast and she enjoyed it, so what am I waiting for??).

Click to make larger. Check out those "horror" stickers on the spine. Yep, libraries are totally cool.

What did you get this week? Has anyone read any of these books yet? Did you like them? 

Feel free to comment with links to your mailboxes or your reviews of these books! 

I'm still kinda sick, so I probably won't be able to comment as much as I usually do, but I'd love to see your books! 



  1. Ok I LOVE the way you explained how you came by your review books. This is the best IMM ever!!! Hope you continue to write them this way. It's great! This makes the IMM really exciting to read. What a great idea!

    Enjoy your books this week. I think I may request Allegiance from NG too.

  2. Okay, definitely jealous of everneath. I agree I like seeing how you came about the books. :) I think I've read one book from your stack which was Deadly Cool, and to be honest I wasn't thrilled with it like I thought I would be. I liked the mystery, but that was pretty much it.

  3. Out of all of these fabulous looking reads, I want to scream at you for getting BORN WICKED. You can't wait 'til the release date, Small! It's not right. I want to read about how much you (probably) loved it, like now. :(

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  4. You've had some great books this last month! How did I start receiving books for review? Well a lot are when I am emailed out of the blue by some publicists, but mostly indie authors. Others I've received from the bigger publishing houses are because I emailed them directly and asked them if I could join their reviewers mailing list. I've not had any for a while this way though.

    Enjoyed reading how you came about your books.

  5. Great list, had to add Slayers to my TBR pile.

  6. What an amazing month!! Born Wicked looks amazing!!!! Hope you enjoy and looking forward to the review!

    My IMM!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  7. You had a pretty fantastic month Small!! I'm so excited for Born Wicked I can hardly deal with it, and that little Finn snippet didn't help at all with being patient:) SO GOOD! I really enjoyed Everneath, looking forward to your thoughts on it!

  8. Feel better soon! You have a lot of books this time around that I haven't even heard of!

    I'm hoping to finally read EVERNEATH this week! Harper does a lot of denying on NetGalley. Sometimes, you must ask twice.

    I received ALLEGIANCE as well! Oh, I still need to read KAT, INCORRIGIBLE, which I've wanted to since you or Gina reviewed it!

  9. Summers at Castle Auburn! I second Ruby's recommendation of that one -- it's a nice re-readable standalone with an awesome love interest. :D The main character admittedly does bug me at the beginning, but she gets a lot better. And there is plenty of intrigue and a dash of magic!

    Also, I'm very interested to see what you think of Once a Witch. I was underwhelmed and have not picked up Always a Witch, but part of my problem with Once a Witch was the way it perhaps I should check out the sequel, LOL. Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

  10. I love how you listed how you got the books. That's fantastic. Plus so cool that you got Renegade Magic.
    My IMM

  11. Great book week! Everneath was so good. I hope that you enjoy your new books!

    Ladybug Storytime

  12. My daughters and I love the Theodosia books too.

  13. WOWHOO!! What an awesome mailbox! I cannot wait to see what you think of all these amazing books! I must start the Theodosia Books and the Kat Incorrigible Books! You know I'm always looking for great MG books!


  14. You got a very nice selection of books. I hope you enjoy them all. I love the cover of Everneath. Come visit me as well. Old follower.

    Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog

  15. Oh, Small! Make time! I think you'll really like Summers, and I say that despite our mutual "meh" feeling about fairies. I'm fairly confident that you'll love it.

    Deadly Cool was also really fun! AND I'm going to have Gemma Halliday on my blog soon!

    Finally, I have, have, have to borrow your copy of Everneath. Please?????

  16. I hope you enjoy everything you got! You got a lot of awesome stuff like Deadly Cool and Going too far. I can't wait to read both of them! Come check out my IMM!

  17. Jealous of the Everneath book. Also, the Dead of Winter looks very intriguing. Let me know if it's any good... Awesome pile of books.

    My IMM

  18. Oooo Born Wicked! So lucky ;) I love the covers for the Kat, Incorrigible books. I need to read the first one. Happy reading!!

  19. AAAAMAZING IMM!!! :D Thanks for linking me AGAIN ;) I certainly hope you find "Holly Claus" as much as I did. I plan to re-read it this winter at some point or other. :) And I hope "Everneath" is good. I got denied as well - I would love to read it soon though! I may have to preorder, I'm that excited. :D

    Again, greeeaattt mailbox and I can't wait to hear your thoughts about a lot of these books! :D

  20. I'm also often confused about how these things work. For example, I entered a contest on Simon & Schuster Canada's blog once and they, for some reason, added me to their mailing list to receive every ARC that they put out without me having to request them. Not complaining, just odd because I don't know what I did to deserve it.

    btw, the most surreal thing happened when I was picking the winner for my latest giveaway. It was just weird. I'm convinced that people are going to think I rigged it. Which I didn't! I swear.

  21. Just call me green.

    I'll have you know that Going Too Far wen on the very TOP of my Christmas List, just under The Scorpio Races. Ever since your rave, that's the book I've wanted to pick up in my splurge!

  22. I know this is from last wk, but I know you'll still see it, so here's the response to your comment on my blog :)

    My GRAVE MERCY has the gold cover. :) It's funny: I was visiting my dad tonight and we were watching ONCE UPON A TIME. The Queen and the Sheriff were talking about being the sheep vs. being the wolf and I reached into my purse to grab the book and show him!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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