Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Author Interview: Jennifer Estep + Giveaway! (US)

Please Welcome Jennifer Estep!

Jennifer Estep is well known for her adult urban fantasy Elemental Assassin series, but I know her from her YA Mythos Academy series. I offered up my BFF bracelet to the snarky Gwen Frost in the first book Touch of Frost and I'm giving her another sleepover party invitation after her continued total awesomeness in Kiss of Frost. Jennifer has stopped by today to answer some of my questions about the important things in life: like kissing, slapping, brain-picking, and food. 

There are NO spoilers in this interview! 

Which one of your characters would you most want to kiss?

JE: I’ll have to say Nickamedes. The librarian may be a little fussy and uptight, but he’s still a handsome guy. Plus, I’m way too old for Logan, no matter how cute he is. LOL.

I'm probably too old to be kissing Logan, too, but I can't help but swoon over him anyway! *sigh* That comes with the adult-reading-YA territory. I can see potential with Nickamedes though, especially after finding out what I found out in Kiss of Frost.

Which one of your characters do you most want to slap or give a verbal tongue lashing to?

JE: All of them, from time to time. But in Kiss of Frost, I’ll say Helena Paxton, a new character who likes to make catty comments about everyone else, including Gwen.

Yup, I wanted to smack her, too.

If you were transported into your book, which scene would you most want to reenact?

JE: I think it would be fun to hang out at the Winter Carnival that the Mythos Academy students go to in Kiss of Frost. Play the games, win some prizes, eat a couple of funnel cakes, that sort of thing.

You had me at "funnel cakes." Yum.

Which one of your character’s brains would you want to pick the most?

JE: Vic. The talking sword has been around a long time, and I imagine that he’d know quite a bit about a lot of different and interesting topics. Besides, Vic is so confident and mouthy, he’d be happy to talk your ear off.

I would LOVE to chat with Vic! I get the feeling he has a lot of exciting stories to share. I'd also ask him about the origins of his slogan (a phrase like "bathed in their blood and hungry for more!" has GOT to have a good story attached to it). 

Which scene do you think will surprise readers the most?

JE: Well, I can’t say too much, but I hope several of the characters surprise readers. As an author, you always want there to be more to your characters than meets the eye. I just hope readers will enjoy the twists and turns in the story and characters in KISS OF FROST.

Well this reader certainly enjoyed them! One of the characters totally surprised me, and that other reveal at the end! I didn't see that coming AT ALL.

Gwen always has the tastiest snacks. Which is your favorite, and can you share the recipe?

JE: Cakes, cookies, pies, ice cream … I like them all. This recipe isn’t really a dessert, but it’s something that my mom and grandma do every summer when strawberries are in season:

Sweet Summer Strawberries
  • 1 gallon fresh strawberries
  • Sugar, to taste
Wash and cap strawberries. Let strawberries dry, then cut them into bite-size pieces and place in a large bowl. Starting with about a cup of sugar, add sugar to strawberries until desired sweetness is reached. (The more sugar you add, the sweeter they will be.) Stir the sugar until it is dissolved and has formed a syrup over the strawberries. Serve immediately, or ladle strawberries and syrup into airtight containers and freeze until ready to use.

Note: These strawberries are great on toast, as part of a PB&J, or over vanilla ice cream.

You can go wrong with some sugary strawberries! Whenever I eat that I tell myself it's a guilt-free healthy snack, but with the amount of sugar I end up putting on them, I don't think "healthy" is the most accurate description! I've never put them over ice cream before--that sounds great!

Thank you for stopping by, Jennifer!

Have you read the first book in the series? Does this interview pique your interest in the series? If you've read the first book, how would YOU answer these questions? 
If you haven't started this series, what are you waiting for? Cute guys, tasty snacks, a snarky MC with super powers, and a talking sword! What more do you need? Kiss of Frost is available now!

I’m Gwen Frost, a second-year warrior-in-training at Mythos Acad­emy, and I have no idea how I’m going to sur­vive the rest of the semes­ter. 
One day, I’m get­ting schooled in sword­play by the guy who broke my heart—the drop-dead gor­geous Logan who slays me every time. Then, an invis­i­ble archer in the Library of Antiq­ui­ties decides to use me for tar­get prac­tice. 
And now, I find out that some­one at the acad­emy is really a Reaper bad guy who wants me dead. I’m afraid if I don’t learn how to live by the sword—with Logan’s help—I just might die by the sword...

Jennifer Estep is generously providing a copy of Kiss of Frost for giveaway

Info for the giveaway:
  • As always, you do NOT have to be a follower
  • You must have a US mailing address
  • You must be 13 years of age or older
  • One entry per person
  • Your address is not required, but including it will help with sending the book out to you sooner
  • I will contact the winner through email and the winner will have 24 hours to reply before a new winner is chosen 
  • This giveaway closes on December 28th


  1. That recipe sounds fantastic! I keep meaning to read Estep's books. Maybe I'll get lucky and win your giveaway.

  2. Okay anything with strawberries, YUM.
    But it would be so nice to have those to decorate some yummy pound cake this time of year with some mint leaves!! I'm trying that next year when they are in season.

    Second, this is the second time I have read about Vic and I am digging out Touch of Frost tonight and getting started on it! I am giving myself free reign to read anything I want until the end of the year. And if you love it Small and then of course Jenny goes on and on about it (not really annoying or anything) really, I have to read this series! I have to read about this amazing talking sword!

    And of course, then I'll want the next one!! So, this isn't the only time I've tried to win Kiss of Frost but maybe 47th time is the charm?

    I always love the questions you ask and I loved the answers!

    Heather :)

  3. These replies are from Jennifer Estep:

    Alison -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out my books.

    Heather -- Thanks! Glad you liked the post, and I hope you enjoy TOUCH OF FROST. And the strawberries would be really good on a pound cake or a cheesecake.

  4. This is when I wish I lived in the US! I'm dying to read one of her novels, they sound soooo good. Hopefully I can get one after Christmas *fingers crossed*

    Great interview! Those strawberries sound so yummy! Nomnom. Haha, and I agree with her; I like them all!

  5. I'm going to have to get on the "Too Old to Be Kissing Logan" train unfortunately, but maybe I'll just pretend he's in his twenties and then I can return my train ticket:) And I really want a funnel cake now!

  6. Now I can't wait to meet the librarian!
    You're just teasing me with this book, aren't you???

    I'll definitely make Touch of Frost my next read! After I finish the retro-friday book I'm reading right now!


  7. Age ain't nothing but a number, right? *sighs* Well, probably not in the eyes of the authorities, so I'll skip Logan too and head straight for that sexy librarian, and no I don't mean Smalls. LOL

    I'm all over strawberries any time of the year. I like to chop them up, and add them in a pot with sugar to make a syrup for my pancakes. Yum! Great, now I want something with strawberries for dinner.

  8. From Jennifer:

    Rebecca -- Thanks! Hope you get a chance to check out one of my books.

    Jenny -- Thanks! Glad you liked the post. And a funnel cake would be good right now.

    Alex -- Thanks! Hope you enjoy TOUCH OF FROST.

    Missie -- Thanks! And a strawberry syrup for pancakes sounds yummy.

  9. I have read the first book and I loved it, can't wait to read the second.

    As for answering some of the questions: I'll go with the librarian too, 'cause I'd definitely be on some watch list if I hooked up with a teenager!

    Brain picking: Logan, I just know he's not telling us everything!

    Funnel cakes sound awesome but I have yet to find someone who makes a vegan version.

  10. I love strawberries! I usually make them into a sauce (I'll also add some other berries to the mix sometimes) that I put on pancakes, on top of cheesecake, and for the holidays I will stir some into my homemade cranberry souce.

  11. What a great interview I can't wait to read Kiss Of Frost! Thank you very much for the great giveaway!


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