Wednesday, December 7, 2011

No More Waiting (7)


No More Waiting is a feature I periodically do here to highlight books that have recently been released. 
I also highlight book-related sales that are currently available.

Click here to see previous No More Waiting posts

Books I've Read and Recommend

Little Women and Me by Lauren Baratz-Logsted
A modern girl gets transported into Little Women and runs through the events of the original book with lots of snarky commentary. I especially enjoyed Lauren Baratz-Logsted's clever twist at the end.
Check out Lauren's interview!
My review


Just Your Average Princess by Kristina Springer
Jamie's snooty cousin Milan comes to stay at Jamie's farm and the two compete for Pumpkin Princess. A sweet contemporary with a main character who is genuinely nice. I enjoyed it.
My review


Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George
An adorable MG story about three siblings and their anthropomorphic castle. I loved this book and can't wait for more!
My review

Kiss of Frost (Mythos Academy #2) by Jennifer Estep
The sequel to Touch of Frost, follow Gwen Frost as she continues to learn about her psychometry gift and fights Reapers. I adore these characters, especially Vic the talking sword!
My review of book 1
My review of book 2
Enter the giveaway to win a copy!


Between the Sea and Sky by Jaclyn Dolamore
A story about a mermaid girl who falls in love with a winged-guy while searching for her missing sister. A sweet book with a strong fairy-tale vibe. Today is the last day to enter our giveaway!
My review

Books I Want to Read

The Death Cure (Maze Runner #3) by James Dashner
Finally! I haven't read this series yet because I've been waiting for the whole series to be published first. And now is is. This is (I'm pretty sure) a fast-paced action/dystopian.

Fetching by Kiera Stewart
About a girl who uses the principles of behaviorism to gain popularity. I'm pretty sure this is a MG book.

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
I did not like Shiver at all. So much so that I DNF-ed it and swore off Maggie Stiefvater. But this book sounds so exciting. And it's about a horse race! I love horse race stories! But...I also hear the book is slow and doesn't focus all that much on the race. So I'm torn.

Don't Expect Magic by Kathy McCullough
A girl discovers she is a fairy godmother. I LOVE fairy godmother stories! This looks like it will be a nice mix of funny and heartwarming.

Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
A humorous murder mystery set in high school. I'm game! 

Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
A girl who is half-god and half-mortal learns to use her powers. I'm firmly in the camp that thinks this storyline never gets old. I've read nothing but great reviews, too.

Liar's Moon (Thief Errant #2) by Elizabeth C. Bunce
I Special Shelved the first book and I've been counting down the days for the sequel ever since. Court fantasy with double doses of intrigue.
My review of book 1

Lightbringer by K. D. McEntire
About a girl who can see ghosts. I've read some pretty fantastic reviews for this one. Most have been mixed on the MC (I hear she has a bit of an attitude), but all mentioned the fabulously creepy villain and I'm always on the lookout for a truly BAD villain!

Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby
Snowed in for the winter, a princess and her siblings must ferret out the vipers in their midst. Two words: COURT INTRIGUE. I am sold.

Legend by Marie Lu
A dystopian, but honestly I passed on this for a while until I heard about the romantic lead. He sounds super swoon-worthy. I have my fingers crossed! 

The Iron Knight (Iron Fey #4) by Julie Kagawa
I'm fully expecting an EPIC conclusion with lots of "brothers in arms" bonding between Puck, Ash, and Grim. Meghan who?

Destined by Jessie Harrell
A retelling of the Cupid and Psyche myth. That's all I really need to know, but the positive reviews I've been reading lately have increased my interest even more. (And now I know how to properly pronounce "Psyche". I was totally off base!)

Free e-books!

The Soulkeepers by G. P. Ching
I don't really know much about this book. It's a paranormal and the first in a series. I also remember seeing someone on some blog somewhere say they really liked this series, so why not give it a try for free? 

First Frost by Jennifer Estep
Just in time for the release of the second book! A prequel to the series. You can download this short story for free to see if you like the series. Edit: This is no longer free, but it's super cheap!

Summer's Passage by Julie Kagawa
Now that The Iron Knight is out, make sure you download this short story and read it first! This is set between the end of The Iron Queen and the beginning of The Iron Knight.

On Sale Now! The E-Book Edition!

Last I checked, these books were significantly discounted on Amazon (and possible elsewhere). I am not affiliated with Amazon, so I won't be profiting in any way if you do decide to buy these books through them. I'm just a reader who likes a good deal and thought I'd share.

Get the whole series for under $7.00 total!

What books are you going to spend your hard earned money on? (Or use your well-worn library card on?)

Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts? Feel free to link me your reviews in the comments!


  1. Ooo I really want to read the Death Cure! I absolutely love the Maze runner series! I've also heard nothing bad about Half-blood. I have it but have yet to read it. Liar's Moon was pretty good, not quite as good as Starcrossed (loved it), but still good. I hope you enjoy your "Books I want to read" once you get them. I look forward to your reviews :)

  2. I've been waiting for Iron Knight to come out so I can finally read the Iron Fey series that practically everyone has been talking about! I've also heard that people who didn't care for the Wolves of Mercy series really enjoyed Scorpio Races and I hope you do too. It sounds very different.

    Happy Reading, Smalls!

  3. I adored Deadly Cool. It is full of snarky fun.

  4. Thanks for the bargain info. I'm going to check those out. I really want to read Little Women and Me. You described Iron Knight exactly right. I think Scorpio Races is well worth it, but you're right that it's more of a character story than about the race.

  5. Awesomely massive post!!! :D
    I so need to read the Lisa T Bergren books since I think I need to review one of them for book tour - the last one, coincidentally! LOL

    So I should better buy them.

    I got First Frost a while ago and I'm really excited to read it!! ;D

    And I have Don't Expect Magic in my wish list too! LOL

    Thanks for all this recks!

  6. Ooooh yes I looove NO MORE WAITING! ;) So many of those books are on my TBR - I can't wait to read them! :D

    Thanks for sharing...I have a few new good ones to add! ;)

  7. I might just have to take advantage of those awesome deals. Specifically the last two books in The River of Time series and Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (which the bf has been bothering me to read). Thanks for the heads up!

  8. I have read Legend. I really did like it, but I felt that there was a serious lack of dialogue between the main characters. I would have like to see more interaction. The only reason it really worked is because of the double narration. I like that there was this huge underlying story that links the series together.

    As for books I want to spend money on: The Scorpio Races is at the top. I've been a Maggie Steifvater fan for awhile now and I've wanted to read that one for sometime. I also want to read Little Women and Me. I like the whole contemporary historical mish mash.

  9. Mackenzie, Aw, I'm sorry to hear that about Liar's Moon, but at least it was still good. StarCrossed set a really high bar though. :)

    Rummanah, Good to know that about the Scorpio Races! I hope you like the Iron Fey series! I had a rockier start in the beginning, but the third book made it all worthwhile for me.

    Amanda, Great! I'm looking forward to it even more now.

    Alison, Awesome! I was hoping that was an accurate description of The Iron Knight :D Thanks for the info on Scorpio Races.

    Alex, Yes, you do need to read them! :D

    Sierra, I'm so glad you love NMW! I hope you enjoy the books now that the waiting is over! :D

    T.B. Ooooh dramatic! The series sounds SO good and that just makes it sound even better! I just read Legend and I LOVED it. I hope you do too :)

    Heather, Ha, me too! It's such a tease putting these posts together :P

    Aylee, So many authors during the HFJ mentioned Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. It must be a great book (but of course I'm scared of the page count!)

    Jen, I just read Legend too and loved it! Hm, I didn't notice the lack of dialog, but now that you mention it I think I agree. Either way, I would definitely be up for more dialog :D I like them together. I can't wait to learn more about the world and how it came to be that way.


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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