Thursday, December 8, 2011

Spotlight List: 2012 Books I Can't Wait to Read

2012 Books I Can't Wait to Read

We book lovers are always looking ahead, aren't we? Whether I'm waiting on my Wednesdays or obsessively adding books to my TBR (even when they are nothing more than a tiny sort-of blurb), I can't seem to help but look toward the future.

It was really hard making this list because most of the books I am most desperately waiting for don't even have covers yet.

*cough* Queen of Glass *cough* Poison *cough* Sorrow's Knot *cough* Shadow & Bone *cough* Edgling *cough* Skylark *cough* The Darkest Minds *cough*

Whew, is it dusty in here? Ahem, where was I? Oh, yeah, I'm way too much of a visual person to post about a book without a cover. Yep. So here are five books I can't wait to read that DO have covers.

Enchanted by Alethea Kontis
Release Date: May 8, 2012
Publisher: Harcourt Children's Books
Pages: 320
Goodreads Page

This is a retelling of The Frog Prince, and you know how I feel about fairy tale retellings! SO CAN'T WAIT! I doesn't look like it's exactly hate-turned-love, but there do seem to be some obstacles to their romance (and not in the "Oh, I'm too dangerous for you!" sense either). The "twisted secrets" in both of their pasts sound extra intriguing.

But really, what it all boils down to is: Fairy tale retelling = Give me that book! It's as simple as that.

Dark Companion by Marta Costa
Release Date: June 2012
Publisher: Tor
Pages: 368
Goodreads Page

Let's see...

Boarding school? Yes!
Hot guys? Yes!
A headmistress with secrets? Yes!
Mysteriously disappearing students and faculty? Yes!

I am a sucker for books like this. I'm not really sure if Dark Companion is paranormal, Gothic, or contemporary, but as long as it has those features, I will read it.

Glamorous Illusions by Lisa T. Bergren
Release Date: June 1, 2012
Publisher: David C. Cook
Pages: 496
Goodreads Page

I'm actually a little scared to read Glamorous Illusions. I am so insanely in love with Lisa's River of Time series, and I can't imagine much living up to that level of awesome.

But even if Glamorous Illusions is only half as good as River of Time, that's still pretty darn good. It already has a prettier cover, so points for that!

Besides, it has an historical setting, secrets, family, a journey, and romance--all things Lisa is a pro at writing.

Vessel by Sarah Beth Durst
Release Date: September 11, 2012
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry books
Pages: 320
Goodreads Page

The blurb had me at "In a desert land where serpents made of unbreakable glass fly through the sky and wolves made of only sand hunt within storms..." 

How cool does THAT sound?! I'm already hooked on the imagery. And, speaking of imagery, that cover is amazing. Plus, it's high fantasy and I'm sensing the world building will be awesome!

I haven't read a book by Sarah Beth Durst yet (despite having several on my TBR), but everything I've heard has been fantastic.

The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda
Release Date: May 8, 2012
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Goodreads Page

*sigh* I love it when a guy pursues a girl. Now, ok, Gene is pursuing this girl because he's trying to hunt her down and feed her to his comrades (who don't realize he's a human too), but, whatever, that still works for me.

Because, you know, HE isn't going to chow down on people. Probably. And if that cover is any indication, I'm sensing Gene and this girl will start a rebellion against the human-eating overlords.

The whole cover and blurb scream fast-paced book with fighting, running, and romance. Yes, sign me up for that!

Of course this is only a teeny tiny glimpse at the 2012 books I can't wait to read. I didn't even include any sequels (because that would be a whole 'nother list!)

How about you? What books are you impatiently waiting to read in 2012?

Want to see more Spotlight Lists? 
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  1. Fabulous list! Enchanted and Glamorous Illusions look especially good. What incredible covers. I love Vessel's cover too.

  2. I so can't wait to read Queen of Glass. I remember reading the entire trilogy's first draft on Fictionpress a long, long, loooong time ago. It was rough and had way too many subplots and some other minor flaws but it was WONDERFUL. I spent HOURS reading it. Ugh!

    I can't wait to read the newly revised version. I'm practically foaming at the mouth!

  3. I LOVE the cover for Vessel. Seriously. I can't stop staring...

  4. Look what you did now....i'm trying to stay away from 2012 books since i'm trying to finish my TBR and you made me want check new books.

    Vessel and Glamorous Illusions sound pretty good ^^

  5. I feel like next year will have my TBR list going on forever! I'll be adding and adding and adding! You have a nice list :)

  6. I definitely want all of these! 2012 has so many amazing books coming out, I can't wait:) And how gorgeous is the cover for Vessel? LOVE IT!

  7. My TBR will be higher than Mount Everest at the rate I'm going with books to read/die for in 2012. Going to an awesome reading year. Can't wait!

  8. Ooers!!
    I like the sound of Enchanted and Glamorous Illusions looks nice too!

    *hugs* thanks for sharing your list!

  9. I haven't heard of a lot of these! I've been coveting QUEEN OF GLASS and THE DARKEST MINDS (which threw me at first because I still think of it as BLACK IS THE COLOR) for a very, very long time. I've added most of those other titles you were couging out as well! POISON and EDGLING sound the best of the new discoveries. I just finished reading ENCHANTED last week and really enjoyed it. I'm thinking it might possibly come to Netgalley in 2012 since I got it with early access. You will absolutely want to read this. I'm buying it when it comes out :) Holy crap, why haven't I seen VESSEL before now? And the cover!!!! OMG, gorgeous! How how HOW didn't I see this? Especially since I follow Sarah's blog? *whimper*

  10. Glamorous Illusions is one I've been waiting for as well. I saw Vessel and The Hunt this week and I think they sound freakishly awesome as well. Vessel sounds like something a little different which is why I'm excited for that one. As for The Hunt, the whole premise just grabs me!

  11. I was going to let you know about Enchanted. I knew you'd love it as it's a fairy tale retelling! I'll definitely have to read the Lisa T. Bergren just because! And Hunted well for all the reasons you said.
    BTW, that dress on Glamorous Illusions is to die for! Oh and I saw Vessel and couldn't decide. I'll let you read it and see if it's as good as it sounds. Definitely high fantasy!

    Great preview!!


  12. Those are some GORGEOUS covers! It seems like they just get better year to year! This is a great list. Most of these are books I haven't even heard of yet! I'll have to add them to my 2012 Wishlist!

  13. Enchanted has been on my list for a while and The Hunt looks like it could be really good.

    I can't wait to check out Halflings by Heather Burch, Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard, Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen, Croak by Gina Damico and Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown, among many others.

  14. I totally agree with you on these, but, WAIT, Lisa T. is doing another historical???? Holy sh**! I'm so excited!!

    Funny, I've seen Dark Companion around but haven't added it to my TBR nor read the summary. Weird.

    I have a lot of highly anticipated books for next year including Hallowed by Cynthia Hand, Incarnate by Jodi Meadows, Everneath by Brodi Ashton, Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey, The Book of Wonders, The Alchemy of Forever, and so much more!

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  15. Never heard of Glamorous Illusions. Loooooove the cover and the plot. I'm adding it to my list. Am I the only person who hasn't read the River of Time series? Im adding The Hunt to my list, too. Great selection!

  16. Alison, Aren't the covers great? YA covers have come such a long way from the days when I was YA.

    Krystle, I can't wait too! I missed it on fictionpress, but I've heard all about it and the wait has been torturous! I love her blog and her "voice" there. There are also going to be novellas leading up to the release of QoG and I can't wait for those too!

    Natalie, It's SO gorgeous! Like a work of art in its own right.

    Yiota, hehe I cannot apologize for increasing TBRs :P

    Steph, I agree! It was hard narrowing down the list for this post.

    Jenny, 2012 is going to be a fantastic year for new books!

    Rummanah, Mine too!

    Alex, *hugs* back!

    A Backwards Story, I always think of it as Black is the Color too! I loved that title. It was so fresh and the new one is kind of generic, but I'm trying to hold off judgment until I read the book. You read Enchanted?! Eeep! I'm SO glad you said it's good! Now I can covet with confidence :D

    Jen, Every time I see Glamorous Illusions I wonder what new amazing guys I will meet in it. :P

    Heather, Aw, thank you for thinking of me! I am in love with the cover and dress of Glamorous Illusions! I will totally let you know about Vessel.

    Donna, Covers really do seem to get better and better. It's amazing. I hope you enjoy the books!

    Kristin, I can't wait for Something Strange and Deadly too! Every time I read Susan's blog I get a little more impatient :P There are SO many good books coming out!

    Asher, Yup, she's doing another historical! I think this one is a little older, and a little more Christian fic, but I'm still interested. Re:Dark Companion, it takes me a while to add some books to my TBR too. It's like they have to marinate in my head a little before I commit. :P Hallowed! I can't wait for that one and THe Book of Wonders!

    Julie, Aw, I think there are some River of Time hold outs with you, but you shouldn't wait--it's so good! :D

  17. Thanks for mentioning Dark Companion on this terrific list! I hadn't heard of Vessel or Glamorous Illusions. Gorgeous covers and I'm adding both of them to my TBR along with The Hunt, which sounds really intriguing and different. I love the cover of Enchanted -- same dress as on the cover of Dreaming Awake by Gwen Hayes.

  18. I know!! I love that title so much more. Did I mention that I'm still so bummed it moved from Summer to Winter? Still better than 2013, though...!

    And yes, I enjoyed it a lot! While not my #1 favorite, it's worth reading and having :)


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