Friday, March 30, 2012

Bloggiesta Tips & Tricks


Are you participating in Bloggiesta?

I would love to participate in Bloggiesta (both because there are about a million things I've been planning to fix on my blog, and also because I just want an excuse to post that adorable button), but with my big move coming up, I really don't have the time.

BUT, hopefully you are participating! And if you are, I'd love to help. I've written a bunch of tutorials  that you might find useful and I've listed most of them here for you.

Blog Design


How to Make a Full-Screen Blog Header
How to Make a Sidebar Header
How to Fix Overhanging Sidebar Images
Why you shouldn't use Microsoft Word to write your posts

Icons and Buttons

How to Make a Button
How to Make a Scrolling Widget for Blog Buttons
How to Make Social Networking Icons (Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, etc)
How to Make an "Email Me" Link and Icon


How to Add a Signature to Posts
How to Customize a Comment Form Message

More HTML (made super simple)

How to Make Colored Boxes
How to Make Borders
How to Make a Progress Bar (for challenges)
How to Customize a Progress Bar

Attract Followers

Blog Promotion

How to Increase SEO with Post Titles
How to Increase Blog Readership with Search Engines
4 Ways to Gain Readers Using Comments
3 Ways to Attract Readers Through Hosting
How to add a link to your blog when you leave comments

Suck Readers in for Hours!

How to Make Anchor Text
How to Make Named Attribution Jumps
How to Maximize Links, part 1
How to Maximize Links, part 2
How to Use Labels (Tags) to Increase Blog Traffic

Even though I won't be participating in Bloggiesta this year myself, I'll still be cheering the participants on from the sidelines. Remember,

You can do it!
Feel free to come back here and share your success!

Have you written a tutorial? Share your links in the comments!



  1. Great post, Smallsie!
    You give superb technical help, you know?

    I'm doing Bloggiesta Lite this year 'cause I'm just slammed with work and books to read and stuff, so I'll probably just take part from friday to saturday and just get some stuff done :D

    1. Thank you! Good luck with your Bloggiesta goals :D

  2. Another fabulous post from you :) I always love your tutorials (I've linked them a few times, as they are some of the best bookish tutorials I've found) and I especially like your Maximizing Links tutorials! I found them really helpful.

    -Jac @ For Love and Books

    1. Thank you :) And thank you soooo much for linking my tutorials! I really appreciate that. *hugs*

  3. Thanks for the list! I'll be putting this in my Clock Rewinders post on Sunday. :)

  4. I've learned so much from your tutorials, Smalls! They're informative and easy to understand. I've been living under a rock and didn't know about bloggiesta at all. I'll definitely check it out for next year.

    1. I'm so happy to hear that! Bloggiesta seems like such a great event, but I still have yet to participate in it. Maybe next year!

  5. I am definitely bookmarking this one!!! Thanks you! xoxo

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  6. You rock! I'm bookmarking this page for Bloggiesta weekend!

  7. I've used just about all these tips and tricks at one time or another and I so appreciate them! Hope you continue them when you move!!


    1. I'm so happy you've found them helpful :) I will definitely continue with them after things settle down around here (and I'll answer your question then, too!)

  8. Thank you so much for all of these tutorials! I'm going to try a few out this weekend and will bookmark this post for later tweaks. I agree with the others - you rock! :)

  9. Aaah! I always love your tutorials. I know I've used a few of them before, but here they are again in a nice handy dandy list! :) Lol.


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