Saturday, May 19, 2012

Book Review: Goddess Girls #8 by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams

Medusa the Mean by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
Series: #8 in the Goddess Girls series
Release Date: April 3, 2012
Publisher: Aladdin
Pages: 256
Received: Review copy from author
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Medusa is sick and tired of being the only mortal at Mount Olympus Academy. Not only is she surrounded by beautiful, powerful, immortal classmates, but she also has snakes for hair and a reputation for being mean. Immortality, she thinks, will solve everything. So when she finds out about a necklace that promises just that, she’s sure it will help her get the two things she covets most: to be as popular as the four Goddess Girls and to have her supercrush, Poseidon, finally notice her. But when the necklace brings about popularity in the totally wrong way, things go from bad to worse. Can Medusa overcome her “meanie” status and prove that there’s more to her that meets the eye?

I had been looking forward to Medusa's book for a while now, and authors Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams did not disappoint! Medusa comes across just as well and as easy to relate to as the other Goddess Girls. In fact, I think she may even be my new favorite (or at least tied with Athena).

Medusa's mean streak is explained sympathetically without ever veering off into preachy. I truly felt sorry for her and I spent much of the book wishing I could reach in and give her a big hug (not that SHE would be cool with that). I also loved seeing the Goddess Girls world through the eyes of someone on the periphery—not only is Medusa not one of the core popular girls, but she is also mortal.

I was happy to see the authors retained Medusa's core personality and did not have her do a 180 by the end of the book. A person with Medusa's background and reasons for developing her personality would not suddenly become warm and open in an instant (or, in 256 pages). While all the Goddess Girls have surprising depth, I think Medusa might be the first where we are given a reason for why her personality developed the way it did. Points for that!

Each of the Goddess Girls books can be read as a standalone, and the same holds true for Medusa the Mean. But, unlike the other Goddess Girls books, I really think Medusa the Mean should be read following the series order. It wouldn't be the end of the world to read this book first, but I really liked getting to know Medusa in bits and pieces through the eyes of the other Goddess Girls and then seeing Medusa's side later on. The first book (Athena the Brain) also explains how Medusa got her snaky hair.

Speaking of her snakes, I loved them! I'm not a big fan of snakes at all, but Medusa's snakes were adorable. They were such a source of support and comfort for her. I know visually the idea of a head full of snakes is kind of creepy, but I think pet lovers will find them endearing.

I SO hope we get more books from Medusa's point of view! Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams have written another winner that is sure to be a hit among Goddess Girls fans.

Explanation of rating system: Star Rating Key

Do you have any questions about Medusa the Mean that I haven't addressed?

Feel free to ask in the comments!

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  1. I'm so glad Medusa did so well with you!I just got my copy in the mail and I'm SO excited to read it! I think it shall be awesome!!!

    And I hope I can find the snakes as likable as you!

  2. i need to read this one ASAP!! I love the Goddess Girls!!

  3. I have to finish reading these! I've read two so far. Love them! I'm glad Medusa has her own book too. Great review!


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