Friday, July 6, 2012

Books I got this week (3)

It's been established so clearly that I can't even lie about it: I have no self-control when it comes to books. I acquire them at a much faster rate than I can actually read and review them, but hopefully these posts will help those books get some exposure NOW instead of waiting until I actually manage to find time to, you know, read them.

This post is for the past week or so.

For Review

by C. J. Redwine

Release Date: August 28, 2012
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Pages: 416
Goodreads Page

I have massive amounts of internal hype for this book. It sounds like it has so much potential to be *THAT* book. A strong girl, an orphan outcast protector, running from assassins, war! Dare I hope?

E-galley. Requested and received via Edelweiss (small and white, clean and bright...).

The Other Normals
by Ned Vizzini

Release Date: September 25, 2012
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Pages: 400
Goodreads Page

I wrote a cover review about this one where I confessed my nerdy secret wishes. I hope the book lives up to all of my cover impressions!

E-galley. Requested and received via Edelweiss (bless my homeland forever. GAH, I can't see the name of that site without Captain von Trapp singing in my head...).

The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict
by Trenton Lee Stewart

Release Date: April 10, 2012
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Pages: 480
Goodreads Page

This is a prequel to a MG adventure series that I haven't read yet, but have been meaning to for a while now. It's very popular among my library kids. This installment has a mystery and a genius orphan, sounds pretty good to me!

Hard copy. I have no idea why I got this book, but I'm happy!

From the Ever-Awesome Ruby!

Throne of Glass
by Sarah J. Maas

Release Date: August 7, 2012
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children's
Pages: 416
Goodreads Page

I had this through NetGalley but I was dying for a print copy and so Ruby battled BEA-ers and snagged me this beautiful, beautiful book. I am l-o-v-i-n-g it!

The Darkest Minds
by Alexandra Bracken

Release Date: December 18, 2012
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Pages: 496
Goodreads Page

I am so unbelievably in love with Brightly Woven (Special Shelf!) that I'm almost a little afraid to read this book on the chance that I might be disappointed. But Ruby assured me that it is worth all the mental hype I am creating (and even though I'm sure she's a little biased given the main character's name—RUBY, I'm pretty sure I can trust her on this).

by Marie Lu

Release Date: January 29, 2013
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Pages: 384
Goodreads Page

It's a good thing Ruby and I worked on (but, hm, never finished...) a joint review of the first book Legend, so Ruby was already very well aware of my massive love for June and Day because I didn't even think to ask her to pick this book up for me. Bestest surprise ever!

From the Super Sweet Sierra!

100 Cupboards
by N. D. Wilson

Release Date: December 27, 2007
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers
Pages: 304
Goodreads Page

After reading Sierra's blog for a while now, I've been totally convinced to read this series. She is IN LOVE with this series, and it sounds like I will be, too. So I was super excited when I opened the envelope she sent me and discovered the housewarming gift she sent was this book! (Housewarming gift! Sierra is the absolute sweetest).


The Road to Samarcand
by Patrick O'Brian

My fiance seems to think I bought this book for him because he's a GIGANTIC Patrick O'Brian fan (ssshhh I bought it for me), but that's ok because he was super happy and kept thanking me. More importantly, it prevented him from saying anything about the OTHER books I ordered, which were all very clearly for me. Whew, got lucky there!

To Catch a Pirate
by Jade Parker

Release Date: May 1, 2007
Publisher: Scholastic
Pages: 230
Goodreads Page

I'm not sure if I'd go so far as to call this a Special Shelf book, but it's darn close. It's not the best book in the world, but it has so many elements I love (like hate-turned-love) and it's fast and fun. Perfect comfort read and I finally have my own copy.

The Queen's Thief series
by Megan Whalen Turner

I've been meaning to read this series for....a very long time, but I just haven't gotten around to them yet. But, the stars finally aligned: I found a gift certificate I had forgotten I had, the third book was marked down to only $6.80 (for a hardcover!) and I sort of have a breather for review books this month.

But really, what REALLY set a fire under me and got me to buy this whole series before reading it (something I almost NEVER do) was when Melissa from One Librarian's Book Reviews asked me if I thought Sage reminded me of Gen (from The Queen's Thief series). First off, Melissa has fabulous taste in fantasy books and so if she says I should take note of a particular book, then I had better take note. But also, SAGE?! There is a character out there who sounds like my beloved Sage from The False Prince?? GIVE ME THAT BOOK!

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?



  1. I LOVE The Mysterious Benedict Society, and I really want to read the prequel, but so far I've just been too cheap to buy it. Maybe in in paperback. sigh

    I'm also really looking forward to Throne of Glass!

    I thought 100 Cupboards was nice; Krysta likes it a lot more. I haven't bothered to finish the series.

    1. OH? Awesome! You just got The Mysterious Benedict Society bumped up my TBR :)

      Throne of Glass was so good!

  2. So jealous of your books from Ruby-three of the books I am most dying to read and all not due soon enough for me! Hope you enjoy The Queen's Thief series-I'm pretty sure I only read the first two but I remember loving them!

    1. Ruby really scored big time for me. I adored The Queen's Thief series! Definitely do read the next two if you liked the first.

  3. I remember that you have to read all NetGalley books on your laptop, so I'm glad you've got a print copy of Throne of Glass! Enjoy!

    1. Thank you! It was soooo much easier to read it in a nice print format :)

  4. I totally get where you are coming from about the self-created "mental hype" for a book!! Some books I avoid reading for a while because I WANT to like them so bad, but I've created such hype for them in my mind that there's almost no way they can live up to it!

    Luckily, a lot of them DO live up. Like maybe, um....THE FALSE PRINCE!! Loved that book!


    1. Exactly!! Self-created mental hype is such a daunting thing. The False Prince so completely blew away even my own high expectations! Same for the Queen's Thief series, though sadly not for Defiance.

  5. Oh my goodness Small, what a FUN week! :D OOOHHH and 100 cupboards!!! It makes me grin from ear to ear seeing it on your blog! :D So stoked for you to read it... I can't wait to read your thoughts on "The Darkest Minds". And I loooove To Catch A Pirate! It's super duper fun and romantic! :D (I opened my copy up the other day - to the part where he's observing her ankles and thinking about how he's never been a gentleman - and I said, MAN I have to re-read this soon!)

    Awesome week, Small! <3

    1. :D I'm really looking forward to reading 100 Cupboards! hehehe I love James in To Catch a Pirate :)

  6. "....You look happy to meet me" I <3 Captain von Trapp!!

    Great books - The Darkest Minds is on my TBR as well and I'm going to look into 100 Cupboards!

    1. Yay! I was wondering if I was going to be the only Captain von Trapp fan :)

  7. *dances because there is so much of ME in this post* I can't wait to hear what you think about Defiance. I'm counting on that one being a goody, too.

    1. You are definitely a rock star :) I'm about 90 pages into Defiance and...I'm not loving it. If it were a print book I'd probably keep reading, but since it's an e-book I'm debating DNF-ing it. The girl is an idiot, but the guy is smart.

  8. Ah, I'm so glad you'll be giving Queen's Thief a try - I don't think you'll be disappointed. I love picking up your fantasy recommendations too!

    1. I was so completely NOT disappointed at all! It blew away all of my expectations. Total Special Shelf series! THANK YOU x infinity! :D

  9. The Darkest Mind looks great!

    Happy Reading!

  10. Awesome stash of books. I'm really excited to hear about Defiance. I just love that cover.

    1. I'm not loving Defiance :( It's ok, but the main girl is so dumb and that's killing my enjoyment.

    2. Oh no! Dumb? Well that stinks. What a let down. At least the cover is still pretty. :-)


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