Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Book Review: Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson
Release Date: July 3, 2012
Publisher: HarperTeen 
Pages: 292
Received: ARC from Goodreads First Reads
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars


From Goodreads:

Before Peter Pan belonged to Wendy, he belonged to the girl with the crow feather in her hair. . . .

Fifteen-year-old Tiger Lily doesn't believe in love stories or happy endings. Then she meets the alluring teenage Peter Pan in the forbidden woods of Neverland and immediately falls under his spell.

Peter is unlike anyone she's ever known. Impetuous and brave, he both scares and enthralls her. As the leader of the Lost Boys, the most fearsome of Neverland's inhabitants, Peter is an unthinkable match for Tiger Lily. Soon, she is risking everything--her family, her future--to be with him. When she is faced with marriage to a terrible man in her own tribe, she must choose between the life she's always known and running away to an uncertain future with Peter.

With enemies threatening to tear them apart, the lovers seem doomed. But it's the arrival of Wendy Darling, an English girl who's everything Tiger Lily is not, that leads Tiger Lily to discover that the most dangerous enemies can live inside even the most loyal and loving heart.


How I would have told myself to adjust my expectations

Don't expect a fluffy romance that will sweep you off your feet. It's harsh, cruel, and heartbreaking. It's not swoony and dreamy. It's raw, confusing, emotional, bittersweet, and tender. There are also many kinds of love explored, and each one of them broke my heart.

Don't expect characters who are easy to relate to or understand. These are not the type of people you invite to sleepovers.

Don't expect a quick moving plot. It's slow. But, it's like molasses: perfect when it's thick and slow, slow, slow. Some stories shouldn't be rushed.

Don't expect a light read. Do expect your heart to get ripped out and stomped into a million pieces. This is a dark book with unsettling characters and unhappy endings.

I'm having a hard time reviewing this

Tiger Lily is one of those books that's really hard to review because it is a book that I appreciate, but it isn't necessarily one I enjoy. Every bit of this book is sad, and while that almost makes it beautiful in a way, it's also, well, SAD. And I don't like feeling so dreary.

There were also somethings that happened and I'm still not sure how I feel about them.

One is a suicide, and it made me angry because it felt so needless. Maybe that's the point. I felt angry with the character for taking their own life when it felt so unnecessary. I wanted to go back and scream at them that things will get better and not to do something so drastic. I was also angry with them for how their actions affected their loved ones. How could they do that to them?? 

But, I guess I need to grudgingly admit that this is the way people often feel when someone they care about commits suicide, so points to Jodi Lynn Anderson for writing something that evoked such a visceral reaction from me, even if I would have rather not felt it.

Also, there is the presence of Christianity versus paganism/homosexuality, and I'm really tired of this plot point in books. It just feels so worn out, like that Christmas song that was annoying the first time but has been played fifty million times in the span of one festive month and I pretty much want to puncture my eardrums by the time new year's rolls around. It didn't help that this whole part felt forced and not really necessary, but maybe that's because I don't like this plot point ever.

These people are weird

Tinkerbell narrates and talks about how desperately she loved both Tiger Lily and Peter Pan, and how neither of them showed her much affection in return. Tiger Lily is an odd duck, almost feral and treated as an outcast but also loved deeply by a select few. Peter Pan is twisted, torn between the uncertainty of adolescence the responsibility of adulthood and the impulses of childhood.

All three are almost inhuman in their oddities and the detached way Tinkerbell describes them from her own non-human perspective makes them even more difficult to connect with. Even the traits I could have in common with Tiger Lily were made foreign by her entire aura of otherness.

I was fascinated by these characters, but it was almost the type of horrified fascination reserved for things like gruesome car accidents. These characters are all clearly broken and floundering, grappling blindly to put their pieces together. I so wanted them to be ok, but, of course, anyone at all familiar with the story of Peter Pan knows there are few happy endings in this tale. 

Readers who like character studies, especially when the characters are complex, difficult, and despite it all, sympathetic, will appreciate the sensitive hand Jodi Lynn Anderson used to sketch these characters. They are not people who are easy to like, but they are easy to love.

Bottom line

This is not the kind of book for everyone, but I do think it will really hit its mark with some readers. If you want another light and fun fairy tale/paranormal-type book, then look elsewhere. This retelling is more like the darker fairy tales and I would probably give it to my more mature YA readers and not so much my MG tweens. Also, YA readers who enjoy serious contemporary books might like the focus on characters with "issues" and watching them navigate complex interpersonal scenarios.

Overall, I think the best way to describe my feelings is that I appreciate it. Reading Tiger Lily may not have been the most enjoyable experience (I'd give it about 3 stars because I struggle with sad books), but it was without a doubt a captivating and cruelly beautiful experience (I'd give it 4 stars for that). I am curious to see what Jodi Lynn Anderson writes next.

This is a standalone.

Explanation of rating system: Star Rating Key 

Do you have any questions about Tiger Lily that I haven't addressed?
Feel free to ask in the comments!

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  1. Hmmm...this sounds like a book that I would enjoy if I was in the right mood. I've read too many depressing books lately. It wouldn't be good right now. But I do like a good downer here and there :-)

    BTW...I finished Code Name Verity yesterday. Wow. What a book. "Kiss me Hardy. Kiss Me quickly!" I'll never forget that line.

    1. When you're in the mood for something sad, then this would be a great pick. It's beautiful.

      YES!! I'm SO glad you liked it! You're gonna make me cry with that line *sob* What a powerful scene.

  2. That was a wonderful review that made me think a lot about this book. While I was initially not completely sold on this book, it seems more up my alley now that I read your review.
    I like dark and actually, lately I kind of like troubled books with issues. So the combination here might be great! Thanks!

    1. Hm, I can see you liking this book. As long as you know what to expect, I think you'll appreciate it. Hope you do like it!

  3. Thanks for the comprehensive review. I'm not sure whether I'll be reading this. It just sound so sad..

    1. You're welcome! It is very sad. It's not like there are a few big sad scenes. It's more like all of the characters have lots of cumulative hurts.

  4. This sounds really good! I love the idea of exploring Tiger Lily's character and the darker side of Peter Pan - which is very dark. Great review.

    1. Me too! I think the author did a great job balancing the original with her own spin. It felt like a very faithful expansion.

  5. Great review, Small! I plan on giving it a go, just because I love Peter Pan SO MUCH. But I'm going in with lower expectations. Who knows what I'll think... ;)

    Oh, and I was actually going to add almost exactly what Alison said - I finished it yesterday and BY GOLLY. I don't even...I can't eve...NOTBREATHING. GASP!

    Anywho... Great review, darling! <3

    1. I'm curious to see what you think of it. I was never a HUGE fan of Peter Pan but I did like this version a lot and it felt faithful.

      I KNOW, RIGHT?!?! Code Name Verity zaps the coherent words out of me and leaves me in a sobbing puddle. I can't wait to read your thoughts!

  6. I think I will be one of the readers who really love this. Peter Pan is one of my favourite children's novels and I always thought it had a dark, strange underside to it.

    1. I think it was the darkness that bothered me as a kid, so I never LOVED Peter Pan. But I do love how the author here wove that darkness into her version. It feels right. I hope you enjoy it!

  7. Wow... definitely have to be in the right frame of mind for this one...somehow I've seen this cover everywhere and had no idea what it was about...

    1. Yes, this would not be the right book to read if you're looking for a pick-me-up, that's for sure! The cover makes me think of those Dark Divine books. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize there was a person on the cover and it wasn't just a pretty flower :P

  8. hmmmmm I am not at all sure this is one for me! But I am very inrigued, and will probably give it a try...

    1. I'm very curious to see what you think of it if you do read it. I'm not really sure if you'd like it or not, but I think you'd have interesting things to say about it either way.

  9. I really want to read this! I love Peter Pan. It definitely sounds darker than I expected it to, though.

    1. I was surprised at the darkness, too, but I think it fits really well. I really want to see what Peter Pan fans think of it, since I was never a big PP fan.

  10. Realllllllly? You'd compare it to The Adoration of Jenna Fox. Huh. That gives me an entirely different perspective on the book than I had before.

    On a different note, I didn't know that this book was from Tinkerbell's perspective. I love third party P.O.V.'s! It's like voyeurism to the max. Not that I'm a voyeur. *ahem*

    1. Weeeelll...not compare it like the storylines are similar (they're nothing alike), but I think a reader who can appreciate the deeper parts of Jenna Fox and can be patient with the way the story unfolds will be able to appreciate Tiger Lily. They have a similar slow poignancy.

      This is TOTALLY voyeurism to the max times a million! Tink can kinda read minds, too, so it's really cool. I was thrown at first, but I love that the author chose this narration style.

  11. It sounds like quite the story, but also heartbreaking!
    Oh, so sad. i want to read it but I have been reading to many sad books lately :P

    1. "quite the story, but also heartbreaking" is the perfect description! Save it for a day you're feeling in the mood for something slow and sad. :)

  12. Tiger Lily wasn't even a book I was planning on reading until I saw a whole bunch of reviews praising it pop up. I like re-tellings, and I think it would be fun to read a darker one as I normally go for the more upbeat ones.

    1. I usually go for the happy ending retellings, too. I can see you liking Tiger Lily if you read it in the right mood. As a retelling, I think the author did a great job—one of the better ones out there for sure.

  13. Well, I'm not big on fluffy fairy tales anyways, to be honest. I'm thinking this could be one that I both appreciate AND enjoy, though I won't know for sure until I read it. I'm not really sure what to think about Tink as the narrator...

    1. Yes, I think you would like this. I was hesitant about Tink at first, but I really, really like the author's choice to tell the story that way. Tink's viewpoint added an extra dimension I really appreciated. Her loves are also sad and touching and I'm glad they were included.

  14. I think you completely nailed the feel of this book in this review - it isn't for everyone, but I think a lot of people could read it and pick it apart just for its themes and ideas, etc. I didn't love everything either (I actually wasn't a big fan of the romance- go figure!) but I definitely get what you're saing about the culture clash. But yet, it still had a feel of historical fiction in that sense where it would have been appropriate.

    Either way, you did a fantastic job reviewing Tiger Lily. I really look forward to seeing more of your thoughts on other books!

    Brenna from Esther's Ever After

    1. YES, exactly! There are a ton of themes and ideas explored that could really spark a lot of discussion. The romance didn't do it for me either, but I did like the exploration of the other types of love.

  15. I can't wait to read this one. I'm glad I haven't read much about it thus far, so I don't have much in the way of expectations as of yet. For the reasons you said - the darker side - I think I will love it!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  16. This sounds really interesting. I love the review because I know what to expect now, I loved the concept at first glance, but... in all honesty I don't think I could handle that meaty a story just now. Once again, I loved your review, it was concise and clear, but entertaining. New follower, without a doubt!

    1. It's definitely a book to read when you're in exactly the right mood for it. I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed my review! Thank you for following :)

  17. I want to read this one, but I'm also rather hesitant. I've read other reviews that feel the same way you do. It's beautiful but sad and that's the reason I'm not quite sure I want to read it. I think I may borrow this one from the library :) And I completely agree about being tired of that plot point. I feel like most of the time, it doesn't add anything to the book, it's just a way for the author to show how he/she feels about that situation in real life.

    Great review!

    All the best ♥
    Mackenzie @ Oh, For the Love of Books!

    1. I'm always a proponent of borrowing from the library :)

      About that plot point, yes, we are on the exact same page!

  18. Looks like a book to pick up if you're in an emo mood. I definitely see how this one is a downer, but I think Anderson does a really cool job in bringing a new layer to well known characters.

  19. I'm a huge fan of Peter Pan, I want to get Tigerlily desperately. But I'm curious to know, how does this book leave you? Does it make you want for more or makes you regret reading it? should i have high expectations for it or not?

  20. Hmm, I see this one is on amazon.com for $1.99. I'm really curious about this read, but its scares me how dark and sad it is. I like fairy-tale retellings, not sure if I've read a dark one yet, though. Do you think I'd like it?

    1. You know, I'm not really sure. I can definitely see you appreciating it, particularly the relationship between Tiger Lily and her father. But...it is slow and sad and I'm not sure you'd care for that very much. If you want to take a gamble given the price, go for it! But it might be a toss up. Sorry that's such an inconclusive response.


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