Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cover Review: Through the Ever Night

Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi

Rarely does a cover grab me so strongly that it makes me drop everything and open up a blogger postbox, but that is exactly what I did when I saw this cover.

Was it the stylish random swirly things he's walking through?

Um, no. Looks like his staring-into-the-distance gaze is going to lead him to trip right over that dangerously placed front swirl. He doesn't know it yet, but he's about to fall flat on his face.  And I'm totally the type of person to point and laugh hysterically (of course I'd give him a hand after I caught my breath).

How about the pretty purple and blue "bruised thunderstorm" backdrop?

Nope, sorry! Though it is pretty and he does look rock-star awesome walking out of those clouds. Anyone ever see the Full House episode where Uncle Jesse was lowered onto stage from the ceiling wearing a leather jacket with foot-long fringe? There was a smoke machine and I think I remember he was told to stick his tongue out ala KISS and act like a vulture (aaah, found it! Here you go).Well, this is right up there on the cool scale as far as dramatic entrances are concerned.

Oh, oh, could it be the super serious tagline?? "A world torn apart!!! A love under siege!!" (exclamation points mine).

Ha, no. Though I'm having a ton of fun clutching my chest and saying the tagline with breathy peril. Or using Deep Movie Trailer Narrator Voice. I mean, really, can we get any more angsty than that tagline?

No, much as these features are all very eye-catching and have provided me with lots of laughter, what drew my eye was that hot eye candy clad in post-apocalyptic leather pants and a scoop-neck pec-revealing clean white shirt.

A world torn apart?? He looks like he's modeling clothes on a fashion runway. I'm also having trouble buying the "love under siege" bit because how can his female lead NOT throw herself at him when he's sporting so much of that shiny toned chest?

Ok, sooo maybe his ensemble doesn't exactly jibe with the post-apocalyptic storyline, but HarperCollins must know my weakness for guys who score high enough on the hotness scale to land themselves a guest spot on The Vampire Diaries (have you noticed the hotness quotient on that show?!). Yet again, HarperCollins gives me a cover that looks like it has nothing to do with the book and makes me want to simultaneously stroke it lovingly and hide it from every single person who might know me or ever know me in the future.

What do you think about this cover?
Do you like it? Dislike it? 
Does it make you want to read the book?

Interested in covers?
Be sure to check out another Cover Crazy post by Gina from My Precious.
    Click here for more of my cover reviews!


  1. Haha I remember that Full House episode! The cover is super gorgeous- I haven't even read the books and I kind of just want to stare admiringly at it! Haha

    1. Oh whew, I was wondering if I was going to be the only one who remembered that episode :P I haven't read the books yet either, but I'm thinking I want to meet that guy.

  2. I'm afraid I can't really see his face well enough on the screen to judge his hotness but it's funny that that is the aspect that inspired you to post. Alas I had missed that Full House episode despite being a big fan of the show.

    1. If you click on the picture it gets a lot bigger. And then if you click on it again, it gets HUGE. :) I'm nothing if not shallow :P

  3. Well, he does look like he's about to trip! But I agree with Bookworm, you can't really see his face. It does fit with the previous cover of the series, I guess, so YAY?

    1. Click on the picture to make it bigger and you'll be able to see his face clearer :) I do like that it's all matchy with the first book. I wonder what they'll do with the third book? Both characters? Someone new? I'm curious and I haven't even started the series.

  4. I really like the design of this cover, and especially how it fits with the first cover, but the guy doesn't really do it for me. As you say, "He looks like he's modeling clothes on a fashion runway" rather than fighting for his life through the desert wastes and aether storms. He also is very different from my image of Perry (a name that continually bugs me anyway). But I totally agree that this cover is going to reel in the readers. And yes, it does make me want to read the book.

    1. The name bugs me too. The soft P isn't very masculine :( But I hear the guy is good enough to overlook that.

  5. Ehehe, the art department for Harper Collins is certainly on point! That's exactly what i thought when I first saw it! I'm assuming that's Perry, in which I case, I wholeheartedly approve! If that's what Perry looks like, then YUMMY! :D

    What's Your Story?

    1. Yeah, HarperCollins has an excellent art department. hehe yep, if that isn't incentive to read the books, then I don't know what is :)

  6. Well, Perry is supposed to have a ripped chest, so that's one part I'm glad the cover designers got right! He's supposed to be a little more rough and world-weary, though.

    1. You're right, if they're going to get anything right, a ripped chest is priority!

  7. OMG...that video was hilarious. i agree that this cover is gorgeous and fits well with the book 1 cover but definitely has some misses! He looks way too clean!

    1. Very clean. But this is one case where I think I can overlook a little inaccuracy :)

  8. This cover does make me kind of sorry that I didn't finish Under the Never Sky. But I'm with everyone else...I read enough of book one to know that this cover itches with inaccuracy. And because I have a thing about covers reflecting the stories behind them, I hate it. Yes, my prejudice runs that deep.

    1. Oh no! You didn't finish it??? Everything I hear about this guy makes me want to pick up the book ASAP (even though I still haven't...) but but nooooooo. Why didn't you finish it? :(

  9. I guess the tag line does seem angsty, but having read Under The Never Sky, that's exactly where the story line is. It would be a sad world in YA if looks were the only thing that kept lovers apart, and that has nothing to do with why these two can't be together. The clouds and the silver swirls are actually an aether storm. Perigrine can sense the storms. So, for me, the cover is spot on. It matches the first cover exactly, and yeah, his clothes are clean. I'm sure they wash clothes, even in a dystopian/apocalyptic world. Who knows, he might have gotten the heads up that they were doing a photo shoot that day. There are lots of things to look out for in the distance, believe me! You are right to covet Perry. But I saw him first! (others may disagree) Still...(I did see him first I swear)!


    1. "I'm sure they wash clothes, even in a dystopian/apocalyptic world. Who knows, he might have gotten the heads up that they were doing a photo shoot that day."

      LOL! Oh my gosh Heather, I love your comments :) I still haven't read the first book but I'm happy to hear the cover features are relevant to the story.

  10. I'm pretty sure that if there weren't people around to diagnose insanity, I'd kiss the screen right now. Do you know how beautiful this is to me? And I haven't even read the first book...and don't even know why I'm in love with Peregrine in the first place. But I am. I am!!!


    Great post Small!

    1. hehehe I haven't read the first book yet either, but I'm with you, I think I'm in love :)

  11. That guy is...well he's HOT. I like him, even though I have no idea who he is. I still need to get and read the first book.

  12. I actually GUFFAWED over this post.

    I've never had precisely that reaction before xD

    1. Score! Another reaction I can check off my "Emotions to Elicit" list :P

  13. This one is about 75% my style of cover and 25% not quite my type. I love the color scheme, the background, the title font and the lighting. I don't like the photo of the guy walking through it all.

    1. I found a fabulous illustrated cover and thought of you. I have to find the time to post about it soon :)


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