Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Books I got this week (8)

It's been established so clearly that I can't even lie about it: I have no self-control when it comes to books. I acquire them at a much faster rate than I can actually read and review them, but hopefully these posts will help those books get some exposure NOW instead of waiting until I actually manage to find time to, you know, read them.

This post is for the past...well, it's been a while!

I've been super overwhelmed with life lately, so I actually managed to rein in my review requests (since I'm already, erm, swamped with review books through January!)

I'd say I deserve a cookie or something for exercising all this restraint, but, well, you'll see I haven't been all that controlled when it comes to other sources of acquiring books

(and I haven't even included all the adult books I picked up)...

For Review

Crimson Frost
by Jennifer Estep

Release Date: December 24, 2012
Publisher: Kensington
Pages: 384
Goodreads Page

Yay for Mythos Academy! This is the fourth book in the series and I can't wait to see what happens to Gwen next! Doesn't she look fierce on the cover? Well, with the way book three left off, Gwen needs all the fierceness she can muster up!


by Carolyn Meyer

This is part of Carolyn Meyer's Young Royals series of YA biographies of important royal women throughout history. I've already read her book about Cleopatra (Cleopatra Confesses, okay) and Marie Antoinette (The Bad Queen, great!).

This one is about Catherine de' Medici and, sadly, I didn't love it all that much.


Between used bookstores and a library sale, I've been bringing home books at an alarming rate! But, when the most expensive book was only $3.99, how could I not??

A Spy in the House
by Y. S. Lee

I've heard downright awesome things about this historical fiction/mystery series. Main character Mary sounds like someone I'll get along with and her slow burn romance, well, I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a draw!

Does anyone know if this book can be read as a standalone?

Midnight Magic
by Avi

This is one of those books where my sister and I both loved it so much that we'd argue over who actually owned the book. Which is silly considering we lived together and so the book of course resided under the same roof.

Even sillier is the fact that we never entertained the idea of buying a second copy (I think that was somehow considered an impossibility). So, even when I moved and left the book in New York, it was with the understanding that my sister would retain custody of the book.

Until now. She can keep her copy because now I have a copy of my very own!

Fire Study
by Maria V. Snyder

I adored Poison Study, but I've heard Maria V. Snyder's second books aren't as good as her first books so I've been reluctant to continue on with the series.

Is it terrible to say that I bought this book just as much for the beautiful cover (that matched my edition of Poison Study) as I did for actually (maybe) reading it?

Well, it was only a dollar!

Player's Ruse
by Hilari Bell

This is my go-to series for "brothers in arms" cravings. Michael and Fisk are totally different from one another, but that just means I get to satisfy my liking of noble, heroic, good men (Michael) and guys with shady pasts who do sometimes shady things (Fisk). There's always a mystery the friends need to solve that is as engaging as the characters.

I liked the first book a lot, loved the second book, and I'm hoping the third book is just as good. 

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?



  1. Oh you were good! And how could you resist when those books were on sale for so cheap? No one could!

  2. All of the books in Y.S. Lee's trilogy (now quadrology?) are self-contained stories so there's no cliffhangers but you'll become so in love with the characters you're gonna want the next book NOWWWWWWW. NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. LoL.

  3. Yay for Mary Quinn! I loved this series and wish I started them earlier. As other people indicated already, each book contains their own separate mystery which is resolved nicely by the end. The characters and their character arc grow with each book plus I think James is so darn cute!

  4. Seconding need-tea and Rummanah: you can definitely read A Spy in the House as a stand-alone, but you'll want to read the next books in the series once you have! Mary and James are fantastic (I'm sure you'll love the banter! :D)

  5. YAy for getting your own copy of Midnight Magic, I think I remember hearing you mention it before. :D

    And I covet Gwen's necklace in Crimson Frost :) It's prwetty

  6. The Agency can absolutely be read as a stand-alone. I liked that one quite a bit, though I never got around to writing a review. Now I want to re-read it to refresh my memory! :)

  7. It was actually because of you that I finally decided to read the Mythos Academy series - I ended up reading it within 9 hours and now I'm looking forward to the fourth one. I can't wait for your review!

  8. I've read two books I loved by Avi when I was younger, and now I want to read Midnight Magic! Also, Player's Ruse sounds AMAZING!

  9. I really want to start reading both Maria V. Snyder and Y.S. Lee's series. I've heard great things about both. I really hope you enjoy all of your books. :)

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian


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