Thursday, November 1, 2012

Small News: Hurricane Sandy

Well, I picked a good year to move to Texas!

My hometown in NY is pretty much destroyed and we're still waiting to find out if our house made it through. My in laws are here (on a totally coincidental but well-timed vacation), so at least we know they're safe. We know the bay and the ocean met and surrounded our home, but we don't know if the water came inside. Unfortunately we do know some people whose homes have been swept out to sea or burned.

I'll be a little MIA around here for a little while as we try to figure out what happened and try to contact our family and friends who are still in NY. I hope everyone else who has been affected by the storm is safe! I know some of you live near the affected areas and you are in my thoughts.


  1. Good luck! I hope your loved ones will be safe and that the house made it through! I'm lucky to have just lost power and hope everyone can recover soon!

  2. Oh no! Sending all my thoughts your way!

  3. I hope your family and friends are safe and that your house made it through!

  4. Sending my prayers and thoughts for your family and friends, Smalls!

  5. I hope everyone is okay! I live in NJ, and in my area, short from power outages, we didn't have any major damage. It makes me feel almost guilty when I hear about other people's stories. Seriously, I hope it wasn't awful for you and man, it was fated being in Texas.

  6. First, I didn't know you moved to Texas! Welcome! :D Hope I get to meet you at one of our many Texas book events one day! :)

    Second, I hope everything with your home turns out ok!!

    Jess @ Gone with the Words - Check out my latest post: Review: Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor

  7. Oh no honey! I'm so sorry! Good luck. Keep us posted.

  8. I hope your family and friends in NY made it through safely, Small! They'll be in my thoughts.

  9. Eek! I hope your house is OK. Glad you and your family are safe x

  10. I hope everyone is safe. And that your house is ok!

  11. I'm so sorry about your hometown! I hope you find out the stuff you need to know soon and that everyone you love is OK.


  12. You've had an extremely rough year. I sure hope everything is ok with the house, family and friends. You and your family are in our thoughts. Best of luck sorting through it all and I sincerely hope it all works out for you all.

  13. Oh no. This just doesn't seem to be your year. Those videos of the wreckage were so sad. How stressful for you! I hope everyone you left back home is okay even if their possessions aren't.

  14. I live in Texas, Houston, to be exact! I'm sorry for the damage, but I hope you end your year on a good note.


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