Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 Fairy Tales Challenge

7/3 books

Challenge Basics:

Name: 2013 Fairy Tales Retold Challenge
Hosts : Debz Bookshelf
Starts: January 1, 2013
Ends: December 31, 2013
Eligible Books: Fairy tale retellings! Or original fairy tales.
Levels: Six; I am going to go for the first level: Read 1-3 books
Link your reviews? TBA
Prizes? Giveaways
Sign up page

Why I'm Interested:

Because I am a fairy tale addict. Also, because I like Debz and her blog. AND, because I participated in this challenge last year, and failed terribly. I'm determined to fix that in 2013.

Books Considered:

Fairy tales on my Retellings Goodeads shelf. Added bonus if I read books I already own.

Books Completed:

7. The Rumpelstiltskin Problem by Vivian Vande Velde
6. East by Edith Pattou
5. Watersong by Suzanne Weyn
4. The Rose Bride by Nancy Holder
3. Far Far Away by Tom McNeal
2. The Thirteenth Princess by Diane Zahler
1. Frogged by Vivian Vande Velde

Have you signed up for these challenges? What books are you planning on reading? Do you have any suggestions that I absolutely MUST read?


  1. Go Smallsie!! Best of luck with this challenge!! :D read many so I have more ideas of books to read.

  2. When I think of fairy-tale re-tellings, I think of you, Small!
    It's like you were born for this challenge.
    Go, girl, go!

    1. lol, thank you! That's what I think too, so I'm so confused and sad about my poor showing last year. I'll fix it this year for sure. :)

  3. Oh, try Bewitching! It was a fun Cinderella retelling--and you know that one's been done to death. Also, Juliet Marillier's Daughter of the Forest is a retelling and I can't recommend that one enough!

    1. Who wrote Bewitching? I own Daughter of the Forest! I will read it, I must!

    2. I think Bewitching is by Alex Flinn, if they didn't respond.

      And double YES on Juliet Marillier. I loved DotF, but even moreso HEART'S BLOOD, which is Beauty and the Beast based and my favorite by her!

  4. Did this one last year too. I think you should read Cinder and Scarlet if you haven't already. I also hear their's a good MG one called "Rump" you may be interested in.

    1. I read Cinder, and I really hope my library gets a copy of Scarlet! I want to see what happens next. I have Rump on my TBR :)

  5. You should read and review a couple of those during Fairy Tale Fortnight! It will be March 24th-April 6th this year!! I'm co-hosting this year :)

    You could also do a guest post with us...! ^.~

  6. Oh, and did you wind up reading POISON yet? The ARC is still sitting on my nook begging to be read. I'm wondering if it's actually based on a fairy tale, or just has the feeling of one...


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