Monday, July 15, 2013

Books I Got

Wow, it's been a while, huh? That's because I haven't really been getting many books.

Sike! Did you even believe that for a second?

No, the reason I haven't put up one of these posts is because 1) I have been lazy, and 2) I've been totally overwhelmed by the sheer volume of books I've been bringing home with me.

See, my library is doing this summer reading thing where for every 200 minutes you spend reading, you get an entry into winning one of their summer prizes (which include things like a $15 voucher at their next library sale, gift cards to various restaurants and clothing stores, and stuff like that. Obviously, I've been entering primarily for the books...).

And, I mean, I read ALL THE TIME. So the idea of being able to get prizes for reading?! I've been all over that. It was like getting a nod of approval to go wild and take out a zillion books.

But keeping up with those books and these posts has been, well, I haven't been doing a very good job. And I'm still doing a terrible job because I'm not even going to try to list all of them here. I'm just going to focus on the review books and you'll all just have to wait for my reviews to find out what else I've been reading. 

This post is for some of the review books I've gotten in the past LONG TIME or so.

For Review

Crown of Midnight
by Sarah J. Maas

Oh dear. I don't know how in the world I am going to review this book because I adored it. Maybe even more than the first book, which, if you remember, I was babblingly in love with.

Requested and received via NetGalley.

The Crown Tower
The Rose and the Thorn
by Michael J. Sullivan

After finishing Michael J. Sullivan's amazing Riyria Revelations, I was in some serious book mourning. I didn't think I'd be able to make it until the August publication of the prequel books, and thankfully I don't have to wait!

Both prequel books are available on NetGalley and now I'm caught in that horrible situation where I don't want to do anything but sit down and READ, but if I do that then they'll be over far too quickly and I won't have any new Hadrian and Royce stories. What to do, what to do.

Requested and received via NetGalley.

Delia's Shadow
by Jaime Lee Moyer

I love a good ghost story! This one takes place in 1906 New York and San Francisco and follows a woman who can speak with ghosts. She gets entangled with the ghost of a serial killer victim and the stakes rise even higher when the killer finds out.

I love the mix of proper historical society and the supernatural, so I'm really looking forward to reading this one.  

Requested and received via NetGalley.

Black Spring
by Alison Croggon

The blurb says, "Whether drawn by the romantic, the magical, or the gothic, readers will be irresistibly compelled by the passion of this tragic tale." 

Well, I'm drawn by ALL of those things! This sounds like it's inspired by the romance in Wuthering Heights, but with witches. Witches make everything better, right? Add in lords, wizards, and Gothic drama and I am SO there.
Requested and received via NetGalley.

by Amanda Sun

This seems like one of those books that people are either loving or hating. Obviously I hope I fall on the side that loves it. Positive reviews have cited things like "meticulous research," "breathtaking descriptions," and "original mythology" though. Given those are all things I like, I'm getting pretty excited.

Pitched and received from publisher.

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
by Holly Black

This is about monsters, a Grimm's fairy tale-like walled city, infection, a race against time, peril, and two boys? Or something like that?

I'm not sure what to make of the blurb on this book. It sounds...brutal? Exciting? Original? Or maybe horribly boring. I think it will all depend on how it's written and if I click with the characters.

Guess I'll find out soon enough.

Invited to review via NetGalley.

by Alexander Gordon Smith

Oh my gosh, this book is massive. It's like, Harry Potter sized (and I'm not talking about the earlier books). That cover is also seriously creepy, and everything I know about this author's previous books backs up the creepy factor.

But if I'm reading a book about a zombie-like plague with a race to find answers while slaughtering your way to safety, I kind of want an author who excels at creepy.

I'll just sleep with the lights on that week.

Received through Shelf Awareness.

What did you get this week? Are you interested in reading any of these books? What did you think of them if you've read them already?



  1. I'm dying to read Ink. Most of the reviews I've seen have been of the "I loved it, BUT..." variety. Still, the mythology and setting sound amazing. Hope you enjoy Ink and all of your new books! :)

    1. Unfortunately I fell on the side that did not like it. :( I hope you do like it! I didn't even get to the mythology part, so I can't speak on that.

  2. I actually did kind of believe that you hadn't been getting many books...I'm kind of gullible obviously. Delia's Shadow is new to me and it's one I really want to check out now!

    1. hehehe :) I can't ever not have books around.

  3. yesyesyes seriously, let's discuss Crown of Midnight sometime - I too have no idea how to review and my god! YES BETTER THAN ToG AND I WANT THE THIRD BOOK NOW :(.

    I can definitely attest to the research involved in INK. I think that it might be an in between read for you, though, because of the characters. We'll see. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts. :).

    I've only heard good things about the Coldest Girl in Coldtown - got rejected when I tried on Edelweiss :( - so I am really looking forward to that one. It does sound brutal and potentially original, and I find it hugely interesting that that's LBB's first vampire book since Twilight, but it's like you said: depends on the characters. :D

    1. PS - My copy of the Throne of Glass paperback came in the mail today and I thought of your post on the new covers. On the back, Celaena is in a lacey white dress with her back to us and holding what looks like icicles or swords? But it made me think: hey, well, it does have some elements of the first cover, with Celaena in high fashion while wielding deadly weapons... though not quite the same.

    2. YES we definitely should discuss!! I'm in serious book mourning now. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it all the way until the third book comes out! I wish they'd release more novellas to tie me over, but I'm not sure what they could be about. I guess I'll just be doing a lot of rereading between now and book 3's release.

      Yup, Ink didn't work for me. I DNF'd it today. I'll probably have a DNF review up in mid August.

      I'm not sure if I'm going to get around to Coldest Girl before it expires. I don't know why, but I'm pretty meh about it. I think it might be all the hype. Everyone is saying it's great and so my brain is deciding to be contrary :P

      Oh neat! I didn't know that about the Throne of Glass cover. I do know there's a similar design with Celaena in a dress on the back of CoM. I don't like the picture (it's in the same style as the cover) but at least the dress actually appears in the book, which is pretty cool!


    Ok....I actually haven't read it yet, but it's next on my list. I need more Chaol now. Like, I may have hyperventilated when I got this through Netgalley. Just kidding. But seriously. I'm psyched. And the fact that you love it makes me want it now! If I wasn't reading an awesome book already I would have dropped it like a rock and went straight to CoM.

    Great haul girl! Can't wait to read all your reviews!

    All the best ♥
    Mackenzie @ Oh, For the Love of Books!

  5. I got Black Spring, too! It'll be interesting to compare opinions after we read it because I haven't read Wuthering Heights.

    I look forward to your review of Delia's Shadow--I've had that one on my TBR list.

    1. Oh yes!!! Maybe we could read it together? Wuthering Heights is awesome. I want you to read it just so I can hear your commentary on it because it is CRAZY. Everyone is awful and it's over the top DRAMA.

      Or we could read Delia's Shadow together! Or both?

  6. Looks like you've got quite a haul. I'm not familiar with many, Black Spring looked interesting, not available on NG any longer though, bummer. Fury sounds extra scary because its so long! And darn, I need to read Throne of Glass, but I need the price to drop to under $3.00. I'm hoping it will soon because the sequel is releasing soon.

    1. lol, Fury does sound extra scary because of its length! The only saving grace is that it looks like the chapters are super short. You really do need to read Throne of Glass! I think Bloomsbury often discounts their books, so hopefully it will come up on sale for you soon. Does your e-library have a copy?

  7. I keep seeing The Fury everywhere...but I'm cared just looking at the cover...I'd be afraid to crack it open!

    1. me too! I might just have to put a bag over this cover. :P

  8. Good stuff, Small!!
    I hope you like them all :D

  9. Awesome book haul! Very intrigued about Black Spring!

    1. Thanks! I keep going back and forth wondering about Black Spring. I hope it's good!

  10. You must have an awesome library! Lucky deal. :)
    All these books look really good! I actually got the Crown Tower as well as Ink but still need to read them both. The Coldest Girl in Coldtown sounds fantastic! I hope you love all the new books you got.

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoy the ones you got too!

  11. I have Ink, Crown of Midnight, and Coldest Girl. But I'm pretty jealous of Fury - I like his previous books!

    1. OH good to know about Fury author's previous books! I've had them on my TBR, but I haven't gotten around to reading them yet. Hope you like your books!

  12. I know how you feel. When next I do a book haul post it will be enormous and a little scary. I mainly came here to GEEK WITH YOU about Crown of Midnight. I daresay I loved it a little more than Throne of Glass, which I too didn't think it was possible. IT'S ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE, and I admit I was a little nervous that you wouldn't like it and then I'd lose my TOG pal. AND because of you, I requested the prequel series by Sullivan, and bought the first volume of the main series. I bought The Thief AND The Black Jewels bind-up again because of you. I couldn't resist, and now you've made me a bankrupt woman xD BUT I SERIOUSLY CAN'T WAIT TO START THEM. <3 <3

    1. be still my heart!!!! I can't even comment. I so so so hope you LOVE them!!!! Very much looking forward to your thoughts!

  13. I just got a copy of Ink, can't wait to read it! How was Throne of Glass? Def interested in it!


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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