Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mini Review: Outcast by Adrienne Kress

Release Date: May 16, 2013
Publisher: Diversion Books
Pages: 324
Received: ARC from publisher, via NetGalley
Stars: 3.5
Goodreads Page

After the attention-grabbing shooting-an-angel-in-the-face opening, Outcast took a turn to the contemporary romance with the plot focus shifting to the slow-burn romance between Riley and Gabe. Gabe is the face-shot angel turned time traveling hot guy from the 1950s. Yeah. It's a bit much, but it actually works.

Which is in no small part due to the fact that I can't say no to a smartass, leather-jacketed, motorcycle-riding, 1950s greaser who teasingly refers to Riley as "sweetheart." He was swoony, even if it was a stock kind of surface swoon.

Much as this was nice and everything, I didn't pick up Outcast to read about Riley's self-esteem growth and tentative dating life. I picked it up to read about shooting angels in the face, and that didn't happen all that much.

I did get some pretty neat angel mythology (delivered via infrequent info-dumps), which was awesome and pretty original, but the mythology wasn't nearly as developed as I wanted it to be and I feel like there's still a lot left that needs to be explored more. The evil religious institution plot thread was equally weak and a little eye-rolling. The ending was abrupt and rushed, and left a lot of things hazier than I'd like.

The writing style and likable characters were what kept me going in between the interesting but widely spaced info-dumps. Everything is written in a really easy way that made the pages fly by.

Riley was a relatable narrator and definitely someone I'd want to hang out with. I liked Riley's take-no-BS attitude and wallflower personality. She's honest, brave, and she stands up for what matters. Though I need to take away some points because she did feel like a Mary Sue after a while. I got pretty tired of hearing about her amazing body and stunning beauty (that, of course, she does not see AT ALL). I just about quit reading when SPOILER! her super specialness was revealed.

Overall, though, Outcast was good and I looked forward to the time I spent reading it. If there were a sequel, I'd probably read it eventually, if I could get a copy through the library. I am interested in reading more from this author though.

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  1. Sounds like a fun read. I just bought this book last week, so I'll be reading it soon and now my expectations my been set. Great review! ~Pam

  2. I was interested in this one but the Twilight comparison is kind of killing that. I adored Kress' The Friday Society so was hoping for something along those lines.

    1. Wellll, I wouldn't let the Twilight comparison pull the plug on it completely. I think people who like Twilight would like this, but I can see people who dislike Twilight liking Outcast still. I think it all depends on why you dislike Twilight. I haven't read The Friday Society, so I'm no help there.

  3. I'm falling over laughing because you recommended this one for those that liked Twilight! *falls over some more*

    1. :) I thought that might be a controversial recommendation!

  4. That the mythology was delivered in info-dumps and still wasn't developed doesn't bode well. (I'm also not big into the whole angel thing to begin with.)

    1. Agreed on all counts. I can be ok with info dumps, but at least give me a lot of details! The only angel book I can think of now that I've REALLY liked is Angelfall of Susan Ee.

  5. "Much as this was nice and everything, I didn't pick up Outcast to read about Riley's self-esteem growth and tentative dating life. I picked it up to read about shooting angels in the face, and that didn't happen all that much." Lol, I requested this for review because the author is a Canadian and thought there'd be a lot of shooting angels too. I still like the sound of this one, Small, even if things are revealed through info dumps.

    1. Hope you enjoy it! I'm glad I read it for sure. Even though I didn't love it, it was fun.

  6. I was only a mildly interested in this book because of the cover, and it was a completely superficial interest that last five seconds. I was able to compel myself NOT to request it purely because of that cover. I'm happy that I'm not really missing out on anything major.

    1. Nope, it's not major. Nice, but not MAJOR. I do like the cover though.

  7. At least it's a slow burn romance. I know what you mean about the overkill with the looks. I'd rather have a regular looking protag - and even a regular love interest.

    1. Yup. It wasn't even that bad at first, but then as the romance became more of a focus so did the endlessly repetitive commentary on her looks. Even the super popular pretty girl is secretly jealous of Riley's looks.


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