Saturday, January 9, 2016

2016 Challenge: Library Reading Challenge

Challenge Basics:  

Name: 2016 Snagged at the Library Challenge
Previous Hosts: Geeky Blogger's Book Blog
Starts: January 1, 2016
Ends: December 31, 2016
Eligible Books: Books from my libraries 

Why I'm Interested:  

Last year this challenge put in perspective the idea that, while yes I do have access too all these great libraries, there is a definite "use it or lose it" factor in play here. Libraries weed their shelves, I move. So, with that lesson in mind, I want to make an effort to consistently check out books from my libraries.

Books Completed:

Library M

1.Saranormal: Ghost Town by Phoebe Rivers

Books DNF'ed:

Library S

6. Learning to Breathe by Karen White
5. Girl Meets Ghost by Lauren Barnholdt
4. The Demon's Brood by Desmond Seward
3. Rose by Holly Webb
2. Blood Sisters by Sarah Gristwood
1. Clean by Alex Hughes

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