Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Book Review: The Cat Who Came in off the Roof by Annie M. G. Schmidt

Pages: 160
Received: Finished copy for review from publisher
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

This book makes me want to use words like "delightful" and "charming." It's evocative of old-timey classics where stories were amusing to both adults and children because they're just good, solid, sweet stories. It makes me think of classic Disney.

(Point of note, the old-timeyness may come from the fact that this was originally published in 1970).

There's a lot of substance to this story, but it never felt cluttered or wandering. There's Miss Minou's troubling cat-to-human predicament, Tibble's imminent firing if he can't come up with non-cat news, and the dastardly Case of the Cruel Society Man.

Plus all the little side stories and characters like the Tatter Cat and her kittens and all of the cats and people around the neighborhood, each with their own darling attributes. And, of course, the messages, which are all feel-good but subtle enough not to feel like you're getting bashed over the head with messages.

This was a fun, sweet story and I am so happy to have read it. I will definitely be passing this one on to many children.


  1. This sounds adorable. I'll check to see if my library has it the next time I visit. Glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Amazing review. I know this is going to sound silly but could you please give me some blog pointers, as I just recently started a book review blog, and I've been on your blog multiple times (before I joined the blogging community) and I love your blog.

    Plus I also want to say, keep up the great work, you're blof is truly amazing.

  3. This sounds like a fun read. I've never heard of it, but I'm going to see if the library has a copy. Thanks for the recommendation, Small.


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