Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Book Reviews: Mouse Scouts and Grimmtastic Girls

Mouse Scouts series by Sarah Dillard
Pages: 128
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Released: January 5, 2016
Received: Finished copies of books 1 and 2 from publisher

This book is on the lower age-range of what I usually review, but it was worth making an exception. Filled with sweet characters, an amusing lesson (gardening!), and cute illustrations, Mouse Scouts is the start to a new series early chapter book readers will definitely enjoy. Each book follows the characters as they earn a new scout badge, making this an addicting series as readers will want to collect all the badges along with their favorite characters. The badges and little lessons in the stories allow for easy classroom integration or family activities. Recommended.

Snow White Lucks Out by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
Series: #3 in the Grimmtastic Girls series
Pages: 192

Publisher: Scholastic
Released: June 24, 2014
Received: Library

Unlike the Goddess Girls series, the Grimmtastic Girls series has a story arc that carries over from one book to the next. That makes this series difficult to read out of order, but also provides a nice bridge from reading standalone shorter books to transitioning into reading larger series. The plot thickens in Snow White Lucks Out with the main characters wondering if they can trust one another. Snow White is never my favorite fairy tale character, and that held true here, too (I prefer Red). But, Snow has a lot of endearing qualities and her story will resonate with many readers, continuing on the strength of these stories in that there is a character for every reader. Definitely a series I will be sticking with and sharing with others.


  1. Both of these reads sound adorable. I would like to pick up the Goddess Girls series, but there are just too many out. I really like the overarcing story to a series that Grimmtastic provides. I'll see if my public library has them. Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. Both of these sound great for younger readers, Small. I really like the concept of Mouse Scouts since it makes readers want to continue with the series.


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