Sunday, January 9, 2011

In My Mailbox (8)

In My Mailbox is a meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren with some inspiration from Alea of Pop Culture Junkie where we get to post about the books we receive each week through publishers/authors, our own purchases, contests won, and libraries.
The cute IMM button comes from Bewitched Bookworms.

Ok, so remember when I said I was trying to keep myself under control and not get a whole bunch of books (especially since I already had a bunch already). Well, remember how I also said I have no impulse control?

Yeah, well, I warned you.

But it's really not my fault! I swear. Hear me out, ok? I wanted to buy a surprise gift for my fiance because he's really fantastic but in order to get free shipping on Amazon I had to spend $25. So, really, I had to buy some books because I'm sure not wasting money on shipping when I could be spending it on something worthwhile, like books. I checked out Amazon's bargain books and boy do they have some good deals running! Here's what I ordered:

(Click on the image to make it larger)

 (click on the link for my review)

Maybe now I'll finally read The Hunger Games trilogy! I promise I'll read it now. Really, I know I'll probably love it. I almost never buy books new if I haven't already read them, so you know I'm really dedicated to reading them if I bought them new. 

And, um, a few library books, too: 

(Click on the image to make larger)  

What did you get in your mailbox (or on your library card or credit card)? Feel free to add your IMM links in your comments.


  1. Some good books. I love amazon it gets me in trouble everytime

  2. your justification makes me giggle~~

  3. You definitely have to read The Hunger Games-seriously, would all those book bloggers lie about its awesomeness? Personally though I didn't really like Mockingjay but the first two are absolutely fantastic!

  4. Smalls!

    Impulse control is for losers. And anyone who doesn't take advantage of the free shipping is dumb. LOL

    Love your new books. I believe you are serious about reading them. Get to it. :D

    Can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Iron Daughter. I adore Julie Kagawa.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. It made me laugh.

  5. Angelic Nytmare, Whoever came up with that $25 free shipping idea is a genius.

    Sniffly Kitty, :D That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Bookworm, I've heard a lot of mixed reviews about Mockingjay but I've tried to avoid all the details about why. So, hopefully, I'm at least a little prepared.

    Missie! Hehehe I love your logic. I am so totally not a loser then. And I am definitely not dumb enough to spend money on shipping! Ha!

    I loved The Iron King and I have a feeling things are only going to get better from there.

    You're welcome. He is a cutie :)

  6. I got the Iron Daughter from the library too!! :D Hunger Games were amazing, I hope you like them!

  7. I bought too many books this weekend! But in defense of my New Year's Resolution, the two new books were part of a series I was collecting so I haven't broken anything. Yet!

  8. Why should you waste money on shipping when you can buy a book instead? I still have to read The Hunger Games but Deception is on my wishlist so I'm off to read what you thought of it :)

  9. Love Julie Kagawa series. So much!!! Hope you enjoy all your books. Happy Reading XD

  10. Read the Hunger Games, it is unbelieveable good. So is The Iron Daughter. Great mailbox and happy reading :)

  11. Waiting your review on Deception!
    And i wish i had a library like yours here:P

    My Mailbox

  12. l am yet to read a book by Suzanne Collins! No matter how many books l read always feel like l am missing out on another series or author!
    Enjoy =)
    Books For Company

  13. Kare, I hope I like them too!

    BookishHobbit, buying the rest of the books in a series totally doesn't count as buying books. It's just necessary.

    A Canadian Girl, Exactly! I loved Deception.

    Book Monster, I really loved the first one, so I'm pretty confident I'll love this second one too! I heard the third is the best of all.

    Nic, Hehe I really need to read them!

    Yiota, I posted the review already. You can just follow that link or go to the review index. My library is nice :) Though all of those books are from inter-library loan.

    Books for Company, I haven't either. I know what you mean! The TBR is like a bowl of spaghetti, no matter how much I read it doesn't ever look like I've made a dent in it.

  14. You got some good books there. I want to read Deception, by Lee Nichols! It looks gooood. :)

  15. Yay Hunger Games! And Goddess Girls is such a cute series.

  16. Oh lovely! I hope you enjoy Catching Fire and Mockingjay - awesome books!

  17. You caved!! I know how it goes, but I'm still going strong - except I did buy a Nook last night. But that's not a book so it doesn't really count? Does it?

  18. Nina, I loved Deception! Definitely a book I recommend.

    Alison, I thought Athena the Brain was so cute! I have my review scheduled for Tuesday.

    The Slowest Bookworm, Me too! I still have to read the first book in the series too (it just wasn't on sale like these two were).

    Miss Remmers, Aak I did! Good for you for keeping it up! A Nook totally does not count. Plus, if you get free books for your Nook that doesn't count either. ;)

  19. Hahaha of course. Free shipping is always an excuse to add more things to your shopping cart on Amazon. But it's the Hunger Games so I'm not going to chastise you for it. ;)

    I'm a little ahead of myself lately so those Ibbotson books won't be up for review for at least two weeks... That is, if I read it soon. Lots of reviews scheduled to be posted ahead of it. :)

    Thanks for stopping by, as always.

  20. I LOVED Deception and, of course, The Hunger Games trilogy is a must read. Enjoy.

  21. Yay for Catching Fire and Mockingjay, I absolutely adore that series! I love the Iron Fey books as well, I'm looking forward to your review of the Iron Daughter:)

  22. Ooh, great books this week! I'm really curious about Deception. Anyway, enjoy! =)

  23. I have yet to read the Hunger Games Series. I really need to check it out. I hope you enjoy your books =D
    Check out my: IMM

    Mariya @ Mystifying Paranormal Reviews

  24. LOVED Catching Fire, and haven't gotten around to reading Mockingjay yet. I hope you enjoy all of those books!

    Happy Reading,
    Zakiya - My IMM is here

  25. I hope you love THG Series and are not influenced by the hype too much! I absolutely loved Mockingjay but I know some readers had pretty valid reasons for why they didn't love it.

  26. Athena the Brain is very cute! A quick but funny read. I'm loving that series. I hope you like it too :D

  27. Wish they had some of those Amazon deals up in Canada. I still haven't finished The Hunger games series yet but I really want to get it done this year. Happy reading!

  28. You have to read Hunger Games! It was recommended to me so many times before I finally read it and I was blown away.
    And who doesn't take advantage of free shipping?? The books just call to you!

  29. Yay for you reading The Hunger Games trilogy! I hope you enjoy them all :)

  30. The Iron Daughter - Curious is this a standalone? I've seen lots of books starting with "The Iron" XXXX. Just wondering if this is a series or something. Do you know the scoop?

  31. Wow, thanks everyone for stopping by! :D I love seeing the support for taking advantage of the free shipping.

    Gina, I do know :) The Iron Daughter is the second book in the series. Here is the order:

    -The Iron King (published)
    -Winter's Passage (free electronic novella)
    -The Iron Daughter (published)
    -The Iron Queen (coming 2/2011, on Net Galley now)
    -The Iron Knight (coming sometime in 2011)

    I think that's supposed to be it. I've read the first book and enjoyed it a lot. I don't even usually like fairy books. I have the novella, but I haven't read it yet.

  32. Good stuff! Have you read Catching Fire and Mockingjay and are just purchasing or do you still need to read them? I read the trilogy as ebooks but I might have to purchase hard copies too. :) I love that series so hard.

  33. Ooooh I hope you do read the Hunger Games trilogy! It's intense.

    And your comment about the barcodes on my library books totally made me smile...I think that's going to bother you every time you see one of my In My Mailbox posts! :D

  34. New follower here! I really want to read The Hunger Games series, I just have sooo many books already on my shelves... sigh...I'm sure you'll love it! I've heard so many great things! Have a great week!

  35. The Hunger Games trilogy is SO GOOD! I recently finished The Hunger Games and am almost halfway through Catching Fire- and I started this morning!! I read fast, but not usually this fast unless the book is amazing- which these all are! So you should definitely read them =D

    I just posted a review of The Hunger Games on my blog :)

  36. Logan, I haven’t even read The Hunger Games (book 1)! I rarely buy books I haven’t read yet, but I thought I’d make an exception here. :)

    Danya, Haha, yep, they will bug me forever!

    Uniquely Moi, Thank you for following! Haha, there are so many books to read and so little time!

    Aliyah, Yay! I’ve heard such great things about this series. I’m so excited to read it!

  37. Awesome books! I REALLY need to finish the Hunger Games trilogy! I hope you enjoy The Iron Daughter -- I think it was even better than the Iron King! Love!

  38. T.B. I don't know! I haven't read The Hunger Games yet. I just bought these two because they were the only ones on sale.

    Casey, I keep hearing that each sequel in the Iron Fey trilogy is better than the previous book. I can't wait!


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