Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (11)

Button from Bewitched Bookworms.

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we all feature upcoming books we're eagerly anticipating.

I've altered things a little to include one book that hasn't come out yet and one but that has already been published but I still haven't gotten around to reading yet.

Hourglass by Myra McEntire
Release Date: May 24, 2011
Publisher: EgmontUSA

Pages: 352

From Goodreads: 

Since the age of fourteen, Emerson Cole has seen strange things – dead things – swooning Southern Belles, soldiers, and other eerie apparitions of the past. She’s tried everything to get rid of the visions: medication, counseling, asylums. Nothing’s worked.

So when Emerson's well-meaning brother calls in yet another consultant from a mysterious organization called the Hourglass, Emerson’s willing to give it one last try.

Michael Weaver is no ordinary consultant. He's barely older than she is; he listens like no one she's ever met before; and he doesn't make her feel the least bit crazy. As Emerson ventures deeper into the world of the Hourglass, she begins to learn the truth about her past, her future--and her very life.

A seductive time-slip novel that merges the very best of the paranormal and science fiction genres, Myra McEntire’s Hourglass is a stunning debut from an author to watch.

So I've had this book on my TBR for, oh, let's just say a good long while. The cover was finally released last week, so now I feel like I can talk about the book (it just felt wrong without a picture). I have to say though, I'm not in love with the cover. I'm actually a little creeped out by it! Or, well, maybe a lot creeped out. But the synopsis sounds pretty good, right? Paranormal, cute guy, Egmont's the publisher, yada yada. So I'm looking forward to it. If you need a little more arm bending, read the following blurb. That sexy little blurb launched this book from "Looking forward to" to "Dying to read!" Ready? Here it is:

 I walked in without knocking. The screen door banged to a close behind me, announcing my presence. I followed my nose to the kitchen and found Kaleb standing by the stove. He stirred something that smelled absolutely delicious, a wooden spoon in one hand and a huge chef’s knife in the other.
      “Are you sober?” I asked from the doorway.
      He turned and leveled a smile at me that made me a little wobbly. “I am.”
      “Good. Because if not, I was going to take the deadly kitchen utensil away from you.” I crossed the room and pulled myself up to sit on the counter beside the stove. A cutting board full of green peppers and two uncut stalks of celery waited for attention from the knife. Melted butter and diced onions bubbled in a sauté pan on the stove. “You cook?”
      Kaleb was so pretty I was jealous. Pretty, with ripped muscles and a tattoo of a red dragon covering most of his upper body. “Yes,” he said. “I cook.”
      “Do you usually wear a wife beater and,” I pushed him back a little by his shoulder, “an apron that says ‘Kiss the Cook’ while you’re doing it?”
      He leaned so close to me my heart skipped a couple of beats. “I’ll wear it all the time if you’ll consider it.”

Sounds good, amiright?

I'm going to read this for a few of my challenges:

Bloodthirsty by Flynn Meaney
Release Date: September 17, 2010
Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Readers
Pages: 240

From Goodreads:
Some vampires are good. Some are evil. Some are faking it to get girls.
Awkward and allergic to the sun, sixteen-year-old Finbar Frame never gets the girl. But when he notices that all the female students at his school are obsessed with a vampire romance novel called Bloodthirsty, Finbar decides to boldly go where no sane guy has gone before--he becomes a vampire, minus the whole blood sucking part.
With his brooding nature and weirdly pale skin, it's surprisingly easy for Finbar to pretend to be paranormal. But, when he meets the one girl who just might like him for who he really is, he discovers that his life as a pseudo-vampire is more complicated than he expected. This hilarious debut novel is for anyone who believes that sometimes even nice guys-without sharp teeth or sparkly skin--can get the girl.

I just love the sound of this book! I enjoy a good vampire romance, but I can also appreciate a book that pokes fun at the genre. I'm hoping for lots of laughs and a cute romance.

I'll be reading Bloodthirsty for the following challenges:

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  1. Ooh, somehow I missed that excerpt for Hourglass! Somehow I also didn't choose Hourglass as one of my 12 DAC 2011 picks... and I have no idea why now. Must add.

  2. I totally agree that the cover of Hourglass is creepy. I love the premise though and had this one on my wishlist even without reading the excerpt you posted. But now that you posted an excerpt, the wait seems even longer!

  3. I want to read them both. Bloodthirsty looks like a lot of fun and I love the cover of Hourglass :)

  4. Hourglass is a popular choice today! I'm looking forward to that one too!

  5. Hourglass sounds strange! I don't usually read books where they see people as it freaks me out. Does sound good though

  6. Hourglass sounds really cool. I love the time-travel aspect. And Bloodthirsty sounds fun.

  7. I actually didn't even bother to check-out what Hourglass was about until I saw the cover. Its very haunting/creepy but pretty at the same time xD. Bloodthirsty sounds like it'd be a fun read, I've never heard of it before.


    My Wow.

  8. I have seen these books everywhere! I will put these on my tbr pile. Great picks!

  9. That Hourglass one, certainly looks different. I am intrigued, thanks for sharing.

    My WOW is a little different.

    Jessica @ Laugh Love Write

  10. Oooh, Hourglass sounds GOOD! Thanks for the blurb! =D

  11. Can't wait for Hourglass and Bloodthirsty was really cute :)

  12. Both sound full of awesomeness! As for Bloodthirsty, I think it's fun to read from a guy's POV. It sounds really funny! As for! The cover is gorgeous and very mysterious. Love the premise, too. Terrific choices!

  13. I need to add Bloodthirsty to my reading list!
    Thanks for the rec, I love the cover and the sound of it.

    Hourglass sounds interesting, and the cover is wicked.

  14. I won Blood Thirsty's arc and can't wait to read this.

    Our WOW

  15. Both of these books sound pretty good. I love the cover for Hourglass, I've had it on my list for a little while. I've seen Blood Thirsty around a bit, but haven't read much on it yet.

  16. I've seen Hourglass on a lot of WOW it looks really good, the cover is REALLY strange! I'm not a fan of photograph covers though. Blood Thirsty sounds just too cute. I think it would be a light, humorous read. Also, its nice to have the MC be male.

  17. Thanks for stopping by everyone! I appreciate all the feedback about Bloodthirsty. I agree, I like that it has a male main character. I'm hoping it's as funny as it sounds. Hourglass does seem pretty popular today. Hopefully it lives up to all the hype!

  18. The little teaser of Hourglass is goood! I want to get it more now! :D

  19. Me too! I really like the way those two characters play off one another.


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Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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