Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Review Comparison Submissions (9)

Have you written a review for 
The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting?

I would love to feature your review in an upcoming Review Comparison post! If you would like to participate, please fill out the form below to send me direct links to your reviews!

What is a Review Comparison? 
  • I'll read your reviews and list the pros and cons you've mentioned.
  • Provides readers a snapshot of the similarities and differences of opinion surrounding the book
  • Includes a link to your full review
  • Click here to view previous review comparisons. 

If you would like to participate, please send me direct links to your reviews of The Body Finder.

*~Click here to submit your review!~*

Click here to suggest a book for the next Review Comparison!
All Review Comparison books are selected based on your suggestions! 

Please note:
  • Only direct links for the featured books will be accepted.
  • The comparison list may include direct quotes from your review.
  • All direct quotes will be credited to your blog name. 
  • Submission of a link does not guarantee inclusion in the final post. 
  • You do not have to be a follower of my blog to submit your review.
  • You may submit direct links to your review on Goodreads or other review sites if you are not a blogger.
  • Submissions will be accepted until Wednesday, October 5th.


  1. Well, darn! I read it, but apparently didn't review it! (WHAT was I THINKING?) I still look forward to the comparison! :-)

  2. What an awesome idea! I have not read the body finder yet, but I would love to participate for the books that I have read! :)

    -Michelle @ Book Briefs

    Do you have email subscription, so that I can get your posts daily?

  3. One of my favourite books (and my favourite book boy!) I'm in! :)

  4. Ham1299, Aw, well if you review it between now and the deadline I'd love to include your review! :) I'm in the same position--I read it, but I never reviewed it!

    Michelle, Thank you! I try to schedule the review comparisons about a month between the submission start and the submission deadline to give people a chance to read and review the book. I do have an email subscription! You can find it on the right sidebar under the followers widget. :)

    Leanna, I know! I thought of you :)

  5. I haven't read this one yet, but I have heard a lot about... is it Jay?

    Looking forward to what people have to say about the book.

  6. Awesome idea! I didn't really state any cons in my review, but hopefully it still works. I joined. I'm kind of excited. LOL, nerd alert!

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  7. Your review is perfect, Jen! Thanks for submitting it :D

  8. I love these posts! I can't wait to see this one. It seems like The Body Finder was a book that got a lot of great reviews, but I wasn't all that impressed when I read it. Don't get me wrong, it was entertaining, but I was expecting a lot more after all the hype. I'm interested to see how all the opinions will match up!

  9. Ah, crumblies! I read this before I was a blogger. I have no review to submit. *SOBS*

  10. I would, but I don't think I remember it well enough to do a good job with the review – and definitely not enough to provide you much to use! ;-) I'll keep looking for more requests, though. :-)

  11. Natalie, I’m so glad you do! I’m glad I avoided the hype for The Body Finder. I read it before I got into blogging, so it was just any other book for me. I liked it a lot, but I think I would have been very disappointed with it if I had heard a ton of hype first. So far the ratings of the submitted reviews are pretty varied.

    Rubita, Me too! You could always make a suggestion for another book for the future :)

    Ham1299, ha, that’s exactly where I’m at! I don’t think I could write any kind of useful review at this point, so I’ll be writing the Review Comparison, but I won’t actually have a review of my own in it :P

  12. LOL Glad I'm not alone! ;-) I think there are so many reviews out there that you should be able to write the comparison even without your own review.

  13. Loved this book, I look forward to the comparison post!

  14. Ham1299, Oh yes, there are a ton. I already have a bunch submitted :)

    Books for Company, I loved it too!

    Heidi, You rock, Heidi! :)

  15. Heidi, That's wonderful! Can't wait to read it :D


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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