Sunday, January 1, 2012

Busting the Newbie Blues is back!

Welcome to the second 
Busting the Newbie Blues event!

Starting out as a new YA book blogger is a ton of fun. You meet a bunch of new people who all share in your passion for YA books, you become a part of a friendly community, and you're continually exposed to wonderful new books.

But sometimes things can be a little discouraging when you're just starting out. You look at your blog and then look at some of the awesome established bloggers out there and wonder if you'll ever make the grade.

So here's to Busting the Newbie Blues! Don't be discouraged. Instead, take action! Participate in my Busting the Newbie Blues event, which will run through the entire month of January!

Last year's Busting the Newbie Blues was a big success! Almost all of my "daily read" blogs are run by people I met through this event. I thoroughly busted my newbie blues last year, and now I can't wait to pay it forward to a new year of newbies. 

This event is designed to:
  • Put new YA book bloggers on the map
  • Increase blogger interaction
  • Start a discussion by sharing our experiences as new bloggers
  • Learn about what it was like for established bloggers when they were newbies

So how does this work? Simple:
  • Be a YA book blogger (oldie or newbie)
  • Select the questionnaire that best applies to you (there's no "wrong" choice, so just pick whichever one you feel most comfortable answering)
  • Create a post on your blog with the questions and your answers
  • Grab the button below to include in your post or sidebar
  • Link back to my post here so more people can join in
  • Sign the linky list below so we can all come and visit your blog!
  • Spread the word!

Try to visit as many blogs as you can. Take a look at their answers, but also check out a bunch of their other posts (try for 5?) and leave comments. If you like their blog, follow them! If someone follows you, then take a look at their blog and follow back if you like what you see.

I will also have Busting the Newbie Blues posts scattered throughout the month that will include things like blogging tips and tricks, discussions, and responses to your blogging questions (including the most frequently asked question--how do you get ARCs?!).

This event will run through the entire month of January, so bookmark this post and check back to ensure you'll be included in all the fun as new bloggers add their posts to the list. I can't wait to see all your responses and blogs! I hope everyone has fun. :)


New Bloggers:

Pick this questionnaire if you if you feel you're still getting your "blogging legs" and could use some advice and awareness brought to your blog, whether you're a brand new blogger or even if you've been blogging for over a year.

  1. When did you start your blog?
  2. Why did you start your blog?
  3. What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?
  4. What do you find most discouraging about being a new blogger?
  5. What do you find most encouraging?
  6. What do you like best about the blogs you read? Have you tried to replicate this in your blog?
  7. What do you dislike about blogs you’ve read? Do you try to avoid this?
  8. Any advice for other new bloggers?
  9. Any questions you'd like to ask newbie or established bloggers?
  10. Is there anything you’d like to tell us about your blog? Feel free to link a few of your favorite posts or posts you wish had more comments.

Established Bloggers:

Pick this questionnaire if you've been blogging for a while, have a decent sized group of followers and people commenting on your posts, and get a decent amount of traffic. Basically, you have some experience blogging and you've seen positive results for your efforts. You can define "decent" however you'd like.
  1. When did you start your blog? 
  2. Do you ever still feel like a newbie?
  3. What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far? Did you make any mistakes new bloggers can learn from?
  4. What did you find most discouraging about being a new blogger? How did you deal with this?
  5. What do you find most encouraging?
  6. If you could go back in time and speak with your newbie self, what five bits of wisdom would you tell yourself?
  7. What do you like best about the blogs you read? Have you tried to replicate this in your blog?
  8. What do you dislike about blogs you’ve seen? Do you try to avoid this?
  9. How did you bring your blog to the attention of so many people? 
  10. When and how did you get your first ARC (or first few ARCs)? 

I hope you have fun! I look forward to reading all your responses, seeing how last year's newbies have grown, and meeting new blogging friends!

But wait, there's more!

After this past November's Historical Fantasy Jubilee, I think it's pretty safe to say that Ruby from Ruby's Reads and I work well together. But how did this princess connection come to be?

Busting the Newbie Blues, that's how.

Yup, Ruby and I met through last year's Busting the Newbie Blues event. Is that not a fantastic endorsement to the potential awesome you can get through Busting the Newbie Blues? 

Ruby and I loved working together so much that we decided to join forces once again! While I'll be hosting Busting the Newbie Blues, Ruby will be hosting a version for oldie bloggers called Busting the Big Blogger Blues! What is this sister event? I'll let Ruby explain:

Basically, Bx4 is designed to help more established bloggers with the struggles that come a bit later in the game. I don't know about you, but I have plenty of trouble with scheduling, managing my review pile, and making sure I comment on other blogs, and I'd welcome any advice I can get.

Even though this event is tailored for oldie bloggers, I think newbies should be able to gain a lot from it as well. I know I'll be checking it out for myself (because my review pile? Um, yeah, I let that get WAY out of control! Oops!).

Interested? Grab Ruby's button and check out Ruby's Reads tomorrow to bust your big blogger blues!

Ruby's Reads Busting the Big Blogger Blues


  1. That is the best story EVER! *wipes tears from eyes*

  2. *sniff* It was a beautiful moment :)

  3. I have been waiting all year for this event to come back. I really look forward to meeting new people and talking to old friends. This event changed my blogging life!

  4. I'm putting the button on my sidebar and starring this post for later so I can answer the questionnaire when I have more time. This sounds like a fantastic event!

  5. Well, even though I've been blogging for over a year I still am a newbie, especially when it comes down to followers. I've just barely cleared the 100 mark.

  6. I had a lot of fun participating in this last year! Will be sure to do so again! x

  7. Yaaay, I'm so glad Busting the Newbie Blues is back! I loved this event last year when I was a newbie. Got my blog a lot of attention (:

    I'd be happy to help this year's newbies! :D

  8. This is going to be my first year participating in Busting the Newbie Blues! And oh my gosh, this is like the most perfect thing ever. I've been waiting for something like this to pop up and now I've found it! YAY! :D

    I'm going to start on that questionare ASAP.

  9. Thanks for inviting. I thinks it is a great event and I am thrilled to participate!!!

    Happy New Year to everybody.

    Anne (from Living in a Fairy World)

  10. This is an amazing idea. Thanks for the chance to take part! I am definitely going to start on the questionnaire ASAP. Such a great help for newbies.


  11. Well, not sure if my internet allowed my post to be posted. So, I'll just say, I still consider myself a newbie especially since I just broke the 100 follower barrier. I still have lots to learn.

  12. Logan, Changed your blogging life?! I want to make an event banner now just so I can include your endorsement :P That's awesome!

    Natalie, Thank you! You're one of those fancy big bloggers I was so impressed with when I first started blogging. I would love to read about your experiences as a newbie :)

    Leanna, Yes! I was hoping you would participate again :D

    Celine, Thank you so much for participating! I'm so happy to hear Busting the Newbie Blues was so helpful to you. Here's to another year! :D

    Guen, I'm so happy to have you on board! I hope Busting the Newbie Blues is a helpful event for you :)

    Anne, You're so welcome :) Thanks for joining in!

    Andrea, Thank you! I'm looking forward to reading your questionnaire. :D

    Gina, No, for some reason blogger put your post into the spam folder. I removed it from spam, so it should show up now. Every once in a while that seems to happen for no good reason. I'm so glad you'll be participating again. Your blog is one of my absolute favorites because your reviews are so well written and informative.

  13. This is a great event! I can't wait to see everybody's posts! (:

  14. Ah! I did this last year as a newbie! :D I'll do the established bit this year, our little baby blog has grown up so much since then! Thanks for bringing it back. :)

  15. Yay, it's back! I'll obviously be participating again :)

  16. Sounds awesome! This will be my first year participating!

  17. Woo! I'm excited to be participating again. Looking back, it really is crazy how many blogs and new friends I found through last year's event and still read and comment on regularly. My blogging experience would have been so different, and probably more lonely, without it. So thanks :)

  18. @Small - Seriously! I felt so lost and outside of the cool kids' table until this event. If anything else, it gave me a community of newbs to connect with so I didn't feel like an intruder. So many folks I read now I met through you!

  19. Great event! I would most certainly take part if I was still blogging :-)

  20. What an awesome event. I'm totally visiting all the participants :)

  21. Sara, I hope you enjoy it! I have so much fun reading everyone's posts :)

    Lisa, Thank you for joining in again! I'm really curious to see how last year's participants have changed and what advice they can give to a new group of newbies :)

    A Canadian Girl, Yay! I'm so happy you are!

    SarahO, I'm so glad you'll be joining us!

    Aylee, I'm so excited you'll be participating again, too! You were a ROCK STAR last year with how you went around to every blog that signed up. I'm so glad it helped your blogging experience :)

    Logan, *sniff* You and Aylee are bringing a tear to my eye. :)

    The Slowest Bookworm, Thank you! I miss your blog! :(

    Juju, Thank you! I am so thankful for all of your comments on all of the different blogs!

    Mandi Kaye, Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!

  22. Aww, thank you so much for the sweet response on my BTNB post <3

    I love in depth reviews, which is why I loved your blog in the first place. You're so good at getting your thoughts across. Especially when I just started blogging you were a great example for me (:

  23. My blog is not strictly YA but I am new to blogging and this looked like a lot of fun.

  24. Thank you for this awesome idea! I think it's a great way to meet other newbie bloggers and find some new blogs. :)

  25. Looking back, I'm not really sure how I found the time to go around to every blog and comment on multiple posts. I'm impressed with myself. I won't have as much time this time around, but I'm still hoping to meet a bunch of new bloggers!

  26. Celine, You're so welcome :) Than you so much for your kind words! I'm humbled <3

    Kimberly, Welcome to the event!

    Alexa, I hope you enjoy it!

    Aylee, I'm impressed with you too, but for a lot of reasons :)

  27. Thanks for hosting this event! I'm sure other new bloggers appreciate it. I know I do.

    You guys are awesome! :D

  28. Hey all! So, I'm a newbie book blogger and I would LOVE to participate in this event. But I'm a little held back. Why? Well, you ask for YA book bloggers. I do review some YA but not all (I'm new to reading the genre, you see). I'm an eclectic reader who sort of bobbles around the genres at a whim. So my question is... can I still participate even though I'm not an YA exclusive blogger? Answers much appreciated and thanks for hosting - this is such a great idea!

  29. Thank you so much for the invite! I'm looking forward to participating for the first time and I look forward to meeting some fellow bloggers!

  30. Respiring Thoughts, You're so welcome! I hope you enjoy the event. :)

    Jessie, Sure, as long as some of the books you review are YA, hop on board!

    Angie, You're very welcome! I'm glad you'll be participating :)

  31. Thank you so much for hosting this event! It's so encouraging to find so many newbies like myself! I look forward to hopping around and hopefully making some new friends :)

  32. At last! I promised I would fill the "oldie" questionnaire out and I have!

    1. Yay! I will be there soon! :) (or, well, eventually. I'm making my way through the list though! Slowly but surely!)

  33. This is an awesome event! I am a newbie and this is my first time participating! Thanks for hosting! I look forward to getting to know some other newbies too :)

  34. This sounds like so much fun! I am a newbie blogger, but I do YA & Adult books. can I still participate?


    1. Sure! As long as you review a decent number of YA books, we'd be happy to have you join! :)

  35. More reasons why you're so awesome! Now I'm ready to bust my newbie-ness. :)

    1. Aw, you are so sweet! I'm so happy you're participating :D

  36. Awesome! I'm so happy you'll be joining in! Thank you so much for mentioning it on Goodreads, btw. I've seen a lot of traffic as a result! :D

  37. Thanks so much for this feature! I started participating on my personal blog a couple weeks ago, but I decided instead of converting my personal blog into a book blog, I wanted to make a whole new blog. It just went live a couple of days ago, so I just did the survey again for the new blog. I've been following your blog and I really appreciate all the tips and tricks and advice that you've been giving - they really help, and it's so nice to know that there are people like you who care about us newbies! Thank you so much!

    Andrea (The Overstuffed Bookcase)

  38. Thanks so much for this feature!

  39. Thanks so much for this great event!

  40. whoa, great event, and awesome to be a participant!

  41. You're all so welcome! Thank you for participating :D

  42. HI
    I just realized that I accidentally didn't put a direct link to my Busting the Newbies Blues post. Since you should be able to read each participating blog's response, I am going to give you the link here in comments.
    I am extremely sorry about that.
    Thanks for creating this event. :)

  43. I know I'm a month late but I want to do this is that is okay (I know I just won't be able to link to it) but I can still do it right?


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

Spam WILL be deleted. Attacks on myself or other comments WILL be deleted.

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