Here is a listing of all Discussion Posts.
Discussions are always open, so join in any time! I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Bad situations bloggers encounter, and how to handle them
Common negative feelings bloggers experience, and how to deal with them
When you hate the book everyone else on the entire planet loves
Methods and opinions about bloggers making money
Five topics I wish authors would write about
For all those covers that make you wish you had an e-reader
Reasons you'll stop reading a book
Features that make you want to read a book
Features that turn you off from reading a book
How do you manage the blogs you read?
My own fictional guy come to life
What atmosphere should librarians be creating?
Blogging mistakes
Why it is important to always have more than one book on hand
What do you say when people recommend a book you don't want to read?
Do you play fast and loose with your genre categories or do you follow strict rules?