Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No More Waiting! (1)

We're always waiting on our Wednesdays, 
but you know what? 

I suck at waiting. 

To help with my waiting I sort of resign myself to the fact that those pretty books are out of my reach. And because I also have a terrible memory, I often lose track of when exactly a book is available and I can get my hands on a copy.

If you're like me and patience isn't exactly a virtue you possess and your mind is all scattershot across the blogosphere, then you'll be happy to hear that you no longer have to wait for any of these books because they've all been released within the past two weeks!

So click on over to wherever you buy your books and snag a copy for yourself TODAY!

No more waiting!

Books I've Read and Recommend

A ghost story that never stops toying with the reader's mind. The twists and turns kept me guessing up to the very end. This book made such an impression on me that I started tracking down more of her books...and then they made such an impression on me that I've dedicated a whole week on my blog to the awesomeness that is Adele Griffin. So, you know, you should probably check out her books!

 Desi continues to try to make an impact with her job as a princess substitute. Even more magical sparkles than the first! 

A fun middle grade standalone fantasy about a girl who wants to be an actor, but instead finds herself apprenticing for a dragon and solving a mystery for an ogre.

Books I Want to Read

At first I thought this was going to be another same old YA paranormal with insta-love and cliches, but early reviews seem to indicate that I'm dead wrong!  

I've been disappointed with dystopians lately, but it looks like this one has all the action and world building I've been craving.

I've heard this described as the perfect summer romance. Sounds good to me!

Hoodoo and Southern Belles! After Scarlet O'Hara, I have no illusions that those pretty ladies are all sugar and spice. I'm not at all surprised they'd be messing with the dark arts to stay pretty, young, and powerful.

Time travel! I think I might have even caught a whiff of hate-turned-love romance in that blurb, and you know how much I love those features!

A girl's brother is kidnapped by a man from another world. Girl enters fantasy world to save her brother. Fantasy adventures ensue. Can you ever go wrong with a plot like that? I think this one is MG.

Abandon by Meg Cabot
A retelling of the Hades and Persephone myth. I've heard some mixed reviews about the delivery of the story, but I'm still intrigued. 

Tempest Rising by Tracy Deebs
Half-human, half-mermaid, Tempest needs to decide between life on land and life in the sea...but both come with a cute boy and a slew of problems and responsibilities. What will Tempest decide? I'd like to find out!

The Penderwicks at Point Mouette by Jeanne Birdsall 
I WoW-ed this last week and now it's here! This is the third book in the Penderwicks series and I'm hoping it will be just as charming, heartwarming, and adventurous as the first two! I have so much faith in Jeanne that I even pre-ordered this one, and buying books before I've read them is something I almost never do.

On Sale Now!

Last I checked, these books were significantly discounted on Amazon. I am not an Amazon Affiliate, so I won't be profiting in any way if you do decide to buy these books through Amazon. I'm just a reader who likes a good deal and thought I'd share.

Vampire Academy (Signature Edition) by Richelle Mead
Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
Infinity: Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Voices of Dragons by Carrie Vaughn
The Truth-Teller's Tale by Sharon Shinn
(I really loved this book, despite the crappy cover)



What books are you going to spend your hard earned money on? (Or use your well-worn library card on?)

Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts? Feel free to link me your reviews in the comments!

Also, how do you like this new feature?


  1. OMGosh! You've got a lot on there. I am kind of making a goal to not acquire anymore until September because I have so many to read! I ordered a lot from my want list for my school library this spring and I need to catch up on them for fall! I just finished Divergent and can't get it out of my mind. Really liked it. And I really liked Hearts at Stake. Have fun!

  2. I started reading Infinity and got bored and stopped. I really REALLy want to read Sixteenth Summer, as I'm addicted to summer reads (no matter what time of year), but I wasn't sure if it's any good. What do you think?

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  3. Wow! Awesome post!!
    And yeah, I suck at remembering what I want to read if I don't write it down and I don't always do.

    Btw, I finished The Royal Treatment and it was amazing! I loved it. And The twist? I giggled and squeed.

  4. Great variation on WOW! I forgot that the new Penderwicks book was out.
    You must read Die For Me!

  5. Great idea!! I'm really bad at waiting as well... I broke down and bought Divergent but for real now, I am putting myself on a book buying ban for the rest of the year. I'll just have to renew my library card now that I am out of school.
    Also, I'm really loving the Adele Griffin feature! Your enthusiasm for her work just makes me so excited to try her out sometime. Haven't decided yet which of her books I'll start off with though.

  6. LOL! Your post is funny...and awesome! I am not a very patient person either.

    I laughed at "click on over to wherever you buy books".

    Great list! There are so many books that I want that already are released, so why wait? :)

    Jennifer of Little Shelf

  7. How kind of you! So many good books! I'm horrible at waiting (My WOW is months away!)

    Die for me was SPASTASTIC! Here's my review.

    Happy Wendesday!

  8. I love this post!
    All of your posts have such character and this one is no different! =)
    Love the way you have set it out =)

    Die For Me is one l strongly recommend, l can't stop recommending it to everyone! lol
    Divergent is getting so many good reviews, l will definitely read it one day.

  9. Oh my word there's so many there I have on order or are already on my shelf but unread. I am trying to read faster but it's not working lol.

  10. I am definitely a bookaholic. I am addicted to Amazon and the quest of trying to find bargains just gets me giddy. And don't get me started on the library bookstore. It's the best. I have a hard time waiting too, but now I have too as I am running out of space.

  11. I can't wait to read DIE FOR ME and DIVERGENT either, I've read so many good reviews for them and I want to see what all the fuss is about:) I just finished Ruby Red and quite enjoyed that one though it left me with a lot of questions that will hopefully be answered in books 2 and 3:) Plus, I love an antagonistic romantic relationship!

  12. Small, you are a genius. THANK you for doing something that I've been hoping for - a chance to see some books that are already out!!! :D

    Hmmmm... I haven't read the "Truth-Teller's Tale" or "The Looking Glass Wars", but I'm hoping I'll get around to those soon... "Darklight" and "The Remarkable Life and Times of Eliza Rose" looks great as well! :)
    I've tried reading "Anastasia's Secret", but found it to be boring. A lot of it seemed like...fluff. :/ I don't know, you should give it a try, but I just couldn't do it.
    "The Red Necklace" and it's companion, "The Silver Blade", were actually quite good. I read them last year, right as I was starting my blog, but never did a review on them. I think I might pick them up and skim them to make sure I remember everything correctly, and then write a review, because they were pretty good.

    I definitely freaking LOVE this post!! :) Can't wait for more!

  13. A Tale of Two Castles by Gail Carson Levine: I finished this one recently and i really liked it! it was different :)

    Die For Me,Divergent,Abandon: already have them but not read them yet

    Seven Sorceres: the cover is epic!

    Vampire Academy, Voices of Dragons and Hearts at Stake: are 3 of my fav books! I can read them again and again!

  14. Love this post! You're totally right, waiting sucks. Might as well honour books that are within our reach!

    I loved both Divergent and Sixteenth Summer! Divergent was awesome. I was afraid that it wouldn't live up to the hype but it did. And Sixteenth Summer was a sweet, summer read. It was light and easy to get lost in. Here are my reviews for Divergent and Sixteenth Summer!

  15. I *love* this new feature- what a fabulous idea! I'm hopeless at waiting patiently too so it's perfect for me to read :)
    I just won an ARC of Die For Me so I'm excited to read it too. I really want to read Nobody's Prize by Esther Frieser as well as she's written several YA historicals and I haven't read any of them. I think you'll like The Remarkable Life And Times Of Eliza Rose, I've re-read it several times as Mary Hooper was my favourite author a few years ago. The storyline's quite predictable but the writing's good. I'd reccommend all of Mary Hooper's other books too. I'll be looking out for your review of The Royal Treatment :D

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Okay, I can't do the my post is here thing yet. So I'll just give you the link if you want to copy and paste to my Abandon post. I loved it! It's here

    I can't wait for Ruby Red, the trailer looked fun! I don't read much time travel so it should be interesting.

    I like this post Small and thanks for the Heads up on Wondrous Strange. I've been waiting forever for that one to go on sale so I can start it!


  18. I have to stop buying books. I already didn't have enough bookshelf space, and now they're stacked all over my floor and pretty soon hubs is going to throw them away if I don't start reading them. :D

    I love the new feature! I'm like you - sometimes I see so many reviews that I forget when the book actually comes out.

  19. Great feature!
    I haven't participated too much in Waiting on Wednesday, mostly because... my TBR is already redonkulously huge. I don't need to worry over-much about "waiting" for books, when I've got so many (too many, some would say) already close to hand. Unless, of course, it was a much anticipated, not yet released sequel to an already popular series I'm reading. I'd be eagerly waiting for that.

    I use Goodreads to track release dates... honestly I'm not sure how I survived before Goodreads. I used to organize my TBR on Google Docs, but it simply wasn't as dynamic as GR.
    Mostly, I keep track of release dates so I don't review books waaaay before they come out.

    I read so many ARCs (I'm spoiled, I know) that I do lose track of what's out and what isn't... sometimes I feel like I'm living slightly in the future!

  20. Die For Me is amazing (My review: and Sixteenth Summer is a good beach read (which I was too lazy to review). I'm looking to get my hands on a copy of Divergent, Ruby Red and Tempest Rising, and am hoping to get the time to read Abandon soon.

  21. I'm waiting for The President's Vampire to get to my hold at the library. I am at #2 so it won't be long! And I just bought The Throne of Fire over the weekend. <3

  22. Smalls!

    *shakes fist*

    I just got back from buying books on Amazon. Like I need more! Gah!

    Great idea for a post because I hate waiting. Thank you!

  23. This is so funny, what a great idea for a feature. I mean, honestly, who really does like waiting anyways!

    One book I'm dying to get my hands on which isn't mentioned above it Demonglass I hear its even better than Hex Hall .

    I've still not read any of the book from Adele, but after you featuring her books all week, I'd really like to find a good source to get my hands on some. I try really hard not to buy books, instead I get them through ebookfling, netgalley or digital library.

    The Seven Sorcerers was available on Galley Grab but I missed it. The cover is so awesome I did a CC post on it. I think the story sounds great!

    I'm reading Die for Me right now. But, I'm concurrently reading Imaginary Girls and so far that one has captured my attention more.

    I think this is a GREAT feature. I'd like to see it more often!

  24. Jana, Haha, yes, it just kept growing! Next time I’ll try to restrain myself a little :) I really want to read Divergent. It sounds like my kind of dystopian.

    Jen, I’m curious about Infinity, but I haven’t read any of her other books so I wonder if I might be totally lost. I’ve wanted to read Sixteenth Summer ever since I read Nic’s review at Irresistible Reads.

    Alex, Thanks! Even when I add books to Goodreads half the time I forget that I added it. I LOVED the twist in The Royal Treatment!! I can’t wait to see what happens next!

    Alison, Thanks! I can’t wait for the new Penderwicks. My order should come soon! I really think I must try to get my hands on Die for Me. Everyone’s reviews have been so consistently great.

    T. B., Thanks! I’m still going to do WoW I think, but I think I’ll mix it up with this one now too. I can’t wait to read Divergent and Die for Me! They both sound so good and everyone is raving about them. I’m totally looking for a fresh dystopian. Don’t be ashamed! None of these books were out until now :P I hope you do read Adele’s books and I hope you love them!

    Aylee, Thank you! Haha, it’s always “I’m sticking to my book buying ban for real…just after I buy this one book…and really this exception doesn’t count…” :P I’m so glad you’re enjoying my Adele Griffin week. There’s a giveaway open to Canada, too!

    Jennifer, :) Thank you! I agree. I’m awful at waiting and after seeing the books reviewed and talked about for months before they’re released, I often miss the actual release date. So hopefully this will help anyone out there like me :)

    Celesta, Thanks for your review and WoW! I’ll check them out when I get home. I really need to read Die for Me!

    Books for Company, Yay! I’m so glad you like it! I remember your Die for Me review. You totally motivated me.

  25. The Slowest Bookworm, Haha, I’m a terrible hypocrite. I only bought two books because I’m trying to exercise some restraint (the piles of books in my house are practically toppling, too…) Don’t read faster! You’re the slowest bookworm! :P

    Lena, Amazon’s bargain books are so tempting! Oh my gosh, I loooove my library’s bookstore. I hear you on the space!

    Jenny, I want to see what the fuss is about too. I’m always a little worried that I’ll be the odd one out though. I am so looking forward to Ruby Red. Aaah there is an antagonistic romantic relationship? SCORE!! :D

    Sierra, Haha, thank you! I’m so happy you like this feature! I think you’d like The Truth-Teller’s Tale. The cover is horrible, but the story is beautiful. I’m curious about The Looking Glass Wars, but I was never a big fan of Alice in Wonderland, so I’m not sure. They do look exciting though…Oh, too bad about Anastasia’s Secret. I think I’m going to still give it a try sometime because I love historical. My sister read The Red Necklace and its companion and she LOVED them. I almost bought them, but then I decided to wait until I had read them first. I’d be very interested in reading your reviews of them.

    Yiota, Aw, I liked A Tale of Two Castles too! I love the cover of Seven Sorcerers. Have you seen Gina’s cover review of it? I so need to get around to reading the Vampire Academy series. Hm, Voices of Dragons was good? I’m curious, but after reading Steel my motivation kind of dropped a little. I think I remember reading your review of Hearts at Stake!

    Honey, Thanks! Thank you for your reviews too! I can’t wait to read both of those books.

    Stephanie, I’m so happy you like it! I think I’ll still tease myself with some WoWs, but I’ll throw this feature in to help balance out. Oooh lucky you for winning Die for Me! I can’t wait to see what you think of it. I haven’t read any of Esther Frieser’s books either, but I have a bunch of my TBR. I thought you had read The Remarkable Life…I know you love that author :) She’s on my TBR too!

  26. Heather, Aw, you were close! There was just an extra letter after the url and before the > Probably a typo. I remember reading your Abandon review though. I just won a copy, so hopefully the delivery won’t bother me. You’re welcome for the heads up. I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

    Logan, Ha, I know the feeling. But I can’t stop getting books. I just don’t think it’s possible. So why fight the inevitable? (Just in case there was ever any confusion, I’m the devil on the shoulder leading book lovers into temptation, not the angel) :)

    Madigan, Thanks! Oh my TBR is huge too, but I still keep adding to it! Someone once told me that their problem isn’t that they have too many books but that they don’t have enough space. It’s a space problem, not a book problem :) How do you use Goodreads to track release dates? Do they have a feature for that? I love Goodreads, but I’m still unlocking all its secrets. Haha, you’re like Madigan the Time Traveler! :P

    A Canadian Girl, Thanks for the link! I remember your review :) Good to hear about Sixteenth Summer. It looks like the perfect beach read.

    Bookish Hobbit, I hope the people on the hold list ahead of you read quickly! I stiiiiiillll need to read Percy Jackson! I’m so behind.

  27. It looks like two comments were lost, so here they are again:

    Missie: Smalls!

    *shakes fist*

    I just got back from buying books on Amazon. Like I need more! Gah!

    Great idea for a post because I hate waiting. Thank you!

    My reply: Missie, WhenI told my fiance about your fist shaking he just looked at me and said, “See, even your internet friends know you’re a Tiny Terror” What can I say? I’m bad :) You can always count on me to add to your ridiculously large TBR and lighten your wallet!

    Gina: This is so funny, what a great idea for a feature. I mean, honestly, who really does like waiting anyways!

    One book I'm dying to get my hands on which isn't mentioned above it Demonglass I hear its even better than Hex Hall .

    I've still not read any of the book from Adele, but after you featuring her books all week, I'd really like to find a good source to get my hands on some. I try really hard not to buy books, instead I get them through ebookfling, netgalley or digital library.

    The Seven Sorcerers was available on Galley Grab but I missed it. The cover is so awesome I did a CC post on it. I think the story sounds great!

    I'm reading Die for Me right now. But, I'm concurrently reading Imaginary Girls and so far that one has captured my attention more.

    I think this is a GREAT feature. I'd like to see it more often!

    My reply: Gina, Thank you! I’ll still tempt myself with waiting, but I think this feature seems successful enough to slip it in as well :) I had Demonglass from the library and then I sent it back unread. I know, that’s horrible! But I heard there’s an awful cliffhanger at the end that’s a million times worse than Hex Hall, so I think I’m going to *try* to wait until the third book comes out. If you’re looking for a source to get a free Adele Griffin book, check out my giveaways! I missed The Seven Sorcerers too. I really need to get an e-reader already! I have so many good e-books but they’re all going to expire on me.


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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