Thursday, December 16, 2010

Book Blogger Hop (4)

Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Crazy-for-Books where book bloggers answer the weekly question and hop around to other blogs and see what other bloggers have to say. The goal is to discover new blogs, "connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books!"

This week's question is:
"What do you consider the most important in a story: the plot or the characters?"

I'm really a character person. If a book has really great characters I connect really well with, then I can usually overlook even a mediocre plot. A book would have to have a fantastic plot for me to overlook characters I don't really like or connect with.

Given that, though, it is the plot description that draws me into reading a book (after the cover, of course). If a plot doesn't sound good, then I'm pretty unlikely to pick up the book. I don't think you can often get a good feel for the characters just by reading a plot description, but sometimes they can sound good (like Fade in my Waiting on Wednesday (5) pick).

Miss something on Small Review? Read the Recap to see what happened this week.


  1. Yes, I couldn't agree more with you on this point.

  2. The BBH question was a tough one for me this week! Very hard to choose either.

  3. I vote for character also. I can get really bored with the most action-adventure-filled plots if I can't bring myself to care about the people having the adventures.
    Susan from ReadingWorld.

  4. HI old follower here, and so agree about the characters though a good plot does help.
    Happy Holidays

    My Follow Friday/Book Blogger Hop

  5. Hi SR!

    I am a character girl myself, so I completely understand. I hope you have a great weekend!

    -Linds, bibliophile brouhaha

    PS - got your email - will be responding soon!

  6. Happy to have hopped over to your blog and think your recap is really cool (and useful). JENNA FOX was one of my favorite reads this year--look forward to your thoughts on that. And regarding BBH question, I, too, lean toward character, though honestly both are important.

  7. Thanks for hopping by my blog 'The Crazy Bookworm'. Grooming is a tough job but luckily for me I don't do Full Grooms(Major Haircuts). I like to provide an easy, calming experience for the dogs. My dogs hated the groomer they would always come home distressed, I didn't want that for my business. So I focus more on bathing, nails, minor trimming to keep their appearance clean, dematting and full blowouts(so they are nice and fluffy). I work in a really calming enviroment and I keep the music mellow and low. Half the time i'm working on the dogs they are dozing off lol. I also took a class on dog massages so I have a package that includes massages too. It's a better experience for me and most importantly the dogs. And while they are waiting to be picked up there are nice big and fluffy dog beds for them to sleep on or they can romp around and play with the other dogs or toys I got around.

    I Love your blog! Happy Holidays!

  8. Hello and Happy Friday! Thansk for stopping by my blog and have a great weekend :)

  9. You make a really good point. I think characters win out over plot, too... but you can't always tell if the characters are going to be good just from reading the synopsis. I guess if the book has gotten really good reviews because of strong character development, that would help.

  10. Agreed its usually about the characters for me :) but of course you can't have one without the other. You definitely need both to have a great book :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  11. I never really considered it before, but its true, I can overlook a kinda crappy plotline if the characters are great!
    Have an awesome weekend!

  12. I agree with you. In both my writing and the books I read, characters are what do it for me. If they don't draw me in, the best writing and plot are not enough.

    --Margie Gelbwasser

  13. Thanks Linds!

    Stasia, glad you liked the recap. I adored The Adoration of Jenna Fox. My review is up if you're interested.

    The Crazy Bookworm, Thanks for your reply and the compliment! I'll reply back on your blog.

    Thanks everyone for hopping by!

  14. Hey Small Review, just hopping by! I love that you called the mending cart a hospital for books! Now every time I mend something I will think of you :o) Like you, I need to feel some kind of connection with the characters if I am to enjoy a story. Plot is important but it's the characters that keep me reading! Happy hopping!

  15. Cute header...I love to look at blog designs.

    Hopping by from the blog hop.

    Stop by my blog to see my answer to this week's question.

    Also check out a design site I found...pretty neat home decorating is in the right side panel on my blog.

    Happy Holidays!!

  16. Thanks for stopping by! I agree with you about the characters, but you raise an interesting point about the plot--usually that is what draws me into a story, so I suppose the plot is also important!

  17. Laura, Aw :)

    Elizabeth, Thank you!

    Jessi, thanks for hopping back :) This was definitely a question where both parts are essential to a good book.


It's all about friendly conversation here at Small Review :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to check back again because I do make every effort to reply to your comments here.

Because I am absolutely terrible about following through with blog awards, I can't in good conscience accept any more. Thank you very much for thinking of me though!

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